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Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 6:01PM
NATHANIEL R in Anjelica Huston, Annette Bening, Kissing, New Yorker, Oscars (10), Towleroad, animated films

The Front Row Richard Brody on Oscar surprises and the health of quality movies.
Why did the Oscar broadcast censor the Josh Brolin Javier Bardem kiss?
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The Bening is ready to dance. But first she'll politely pose for photos.

Reuters Anjelica Huston is writing memoirs. Everyone wants Jack Nicholson dirt but I'm hoping for a good juicy chapter on The Grifters or The Royal Tenenbaums.
Nicks Flick Picks on how this year's Oscar winners will be treated in the judgement all of Time Passing By
Carpetbagger Carr reacts to the ceremony. Love the sum up sentence. So true.
Monkey See 5 Lessons learned from the Oscars Sunday night. Lurve this one.

(4) Australians don't care about your stupid alphabetical order. When the nominees for Best Supporting Actress were announced, Aussie Jacki Weaver was named third, even though she was alphabetically fifth in the category. Take that, Melissa Leo! You might have the Oscar, but Jacki Weaver controls language!

The Wrap the Annie Awards are officially considering changes post Disney/Pixar boycott and the shutouts of WALL•E & Toy Story 3

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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