Deborah Kerr and a Kangaroo
Saturday, March 5, 2011 at 8:28PM
NATHANIEL R in Australia, Deborah Kerr, Oscars (60s), zoology


This randomness is brought to you by a screening of The Sundowners (1960) last night. This footage is not from the movie but the "on location" footage. Ish't it hilarious (and totally creepy?) that the monster tries to use Kerr's jacket as a pouch?

I'm trying to combat my fear of kangaroos in the hopes that one day someone will buy me an all expenses vacation to Australia. In the movie the evil-propelled marsupials with the tyranossaurus-rex arms just hop through the scene on occassion FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER and the actors don't even flinch! For that alone you'd think they would have finally given Kerr the gold? (The Sundowners was her last of six Oscar nominations -- see previous post). I would have ruined every take by shrieking.

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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