JA from MNPP here, with a little tidbit of news making the rounds - didja hear the one about the former body-building pot-smoking movie-starring Hamilton-hunting Kennedy-marrying California-governing pronunciation-trouncing fellow that's decided to retake up one of those former glories, namely jumping back into the movie business?
Asked about the "three scripts" he reportedly had on offer in January, Arnold Schwarzenegger says "Well, first of all it's more 15 films, obvious ones from The Terminator to remakes of Predator and The Running Man and all of those things. Then also a lot of original stuff too. But I am also packaging a Comic Book character right now. I'm going to announce that sometime by the end of March or the beginning of April."
No word on what "comic book character" he speaks of, but it's curious that he mentions the Predator and Terminator properties since both of those were recently rebooted, with mixed-if-I'm-being-kind results, without him. Could we see Adrien Brody and Arnie join pecs to take down that dread-locked space-hunter? Or is he merely producing these? The man is about to turn 65 years old and has had heart surgery, I think there's only so much running and skull-slamming he can do.
If you were his agent what would you advise Arnie to do next?