Links: Slayers, Ringers, Tomatoes, Beavers
Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 2:00PM
NATHANIEL R in Angelina Jolie, Demi Moore, Hunger Games, Jodie Foster, Sarah Michelle Gellar

The blogging police have informed me that if I don't post the "first look" at Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) from Hunger Games I shall be banished forever from the Billion Kingdoms of the Internet. Satisfied? I guess I should read this book. But how to join the rest of the world in loving teenage killers? It's a gene that skipped me by. Except Buffy. But her victims were vampires so that was always kinda fun.

Tom Shone "An Argument Not Worth Having" via the topic of comedy via Bridesmaids.
Acidemic has a wonderfully fluid train of thought piece on Angelina Jolie's career trajectory and Demi Moore's apocalyptic 80s drama The Seventh Sign.
Go Fug Yourself is happy to see Jodie Foster out and about at Cannes with The Beaver. Except for that one accessory that's always attached to her hand.
The Advocate  enjoyable interview with Rashida Jones (Parks and Recreation and Our Idiot Brother)
Awards Daily Sasha says goodbye to another Cannes

Gallery of the Absurd has a 100% accurate portrait of Stephen King when a new novel idea hits him.
Movie|Line It's true. The Dark Knight Rises has begun filming. Commence endless disposable blogging about what it might be like. Oh wait, that startedback in summer 2008.
Buffy or rather Sarah Michelle Gellar is back to series TV on the CW. Ringer, about identical twin sisters and mob targets, has been picked up. First photos follow.

Sarah Michelle Gellar stars in RINGER

Throwing Tomatoes...
Serious Film does not much love Thor. It's one of the more scathing reviews you'll read.

Cheering these movies is beginning to feel like cheering a PowerPoint presentation at a meeting of Marvel stockholders.

Slant Magazine is even more vicious to Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides


Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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