Grading is highly subjective, dizzying, lip-biting stressful.Just a reminder that I listen to you. You may have noticed a bit more tv coverage as per your requests. Plus, I'd heard a few complaints that the new version of the site (no longer a newborn, now a crawling gurgling six month-old) didn't have a sidebar with current grades of recent movies. I've added that in now, just in case you miss a review or need that damn letter.
I hate grading! I feel for you professors out there. I often find one piece of a movie a total A and the rest lacking. Take that multi-graded X-Men Report Card that's usually the way it goes. Or, perfect and subject appropriate example: Easy A in which Emma Stone is performing in an all time high school movie comedy classic and the rest of the movie... uh... isn't. Perhaps all movies should get multi-layered report cards? Nah, too much work.
You can also check the review section in the top navigation bar whenever you need want a quick rundown of what I'm seeing or how I've been grading it.