Transform This
Monday, July 4, 2011 at 9:43PM
NATHANIEL R in Bridesmaids, Giant Fucking Robots, Nathaniel's Drawings, box office

I skipped Transformers: Dark of the Moon this weekend -- too much going on chez moi -- but that didn't stop me from thinking about robots or transformations.

My water pressure is weak. As is my willpower.

Weekend Box-Office (Actuals) 
figures via box office mojo

01 TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON new $97.8 (cum. $162.6)
02 CARS 2  $26.2 (cum. $117.2)
03 BAD TEACHER $14.5 (cum. $59.9)
04 LARRY CROWNE new $13 
06 MONTE CARLO new $7.4 
07 SUPER 8 $7.9 [thoughts] (cum. $108.4)
07 GREEN LANTERN $6.5 [review] (cum. $102.2)
08 MR POPPER'S PENGUINS $5.5 (cum. $50.5)
09 BRIDESMAIDS $3.6 (cum. $153) ♥
10 MIDNIGHT IN PARIS $3.5 (cum. $33.7) [podcast]

"I also have an announcement."Related box office news: Bridesmaids is now the highest grossing film from the Apatow school of filmmaking, having knocked Knocked Up from its perch. X-Men First Class [review] recently passed The Incredible Hulk (2008) to become the 19th highest grossing live action superhero flick though it's sadly the lowest grosser in the X-franchise. (So the question is: Did Last Stand and Wolverine, both high grossers despite anger about their quality, kill off the interest in this franchise or was this summer just too full of superheroics?) Finally, you may have heard that Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides [review] passed the billion dollar mark worldwide (sigh) indicating that 3 more sequels was a smart studio gamble despite the fact that the franchise has literally never demonstrated any reason for existing. The first film is excellent, yes, but one film does not a franchise make and it's been all weak xeroxing ever since. 

What did you see this weekend? 
Which household items do you wish would transform for you? Did you enjoy the long weekend? 

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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