Jeremy Renner Would Like You To Stop Staring At Him On the Set of "The Avengers"
Saturday, September 3, 2011 at 9:27PM
NATHANIEL R in Jeremy Renner, Joss Whedon, The Avengers, on the set

So stop it!

more after the jump

I'm not normally one to freak out over on set pics -- or even post them with anything like consistency -- but I do enjoy a good ensemble film and it's so rare to see not just one actor or two but a whole cast Assembled (haha) for a scene outdoors. I mean we've got Joss Whedon making the universal gesture of all motion picture directors on the top left of the two photos here. There's Thor and Loki (Chris Hemsworth & Tom Hiddleson), Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo minus Hulkness, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson. And then in the picture below you can even see Stellan Skarsgaard and Robert Downey Jr who are blocked in the first photo.


Here's a video of the same thing...


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