ASC Nominees. Cinematography With the Soldier-Spy Tattoo
Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 12:33PM
NATHANIEL R in Cinematography, Emmanuel Lubezki, Jeff Cronenwerth, Oscars (10), Oscars (11), The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, precursor awards

The cinematography guild has spoken and, like the Art Directors, Directors, Producers and Writers they're totally packing off for a vacay in the snowy murderous isles of Sweden with The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. What the hell is going on over there in Hollywood?* There was once a time, believe it or not, when instant remakes of foreign films were looked on suspiciously (from an artistic standpoint, not a financial one). Even The Departed which won rave reviews and eventually the Best Picture had some early doubters due to its remake nature. And Dragon Tattoo doesn't have those "masterpiece!" reviews. That said Jeff Cronenwerth is an amazing DP and like all of Fincher's films this one is beautifully put together. (We just wish he'd chosen material more worthy of his immense gift is all.)  

The ASC Nominees



Emmanuel Lubezki, A.S.C., G.E.N.I.U.S.An excellent list all things considered.

I've given up hoping for Emmanuel Lubezki (100% certified genius) to ever win the Oscar and I suspect this year he'll lose again especially because The Tree of Life doesn't seem to have much AMPAS support. I expect the Oscar will go to either Schiffman or Richardson. The whole of the Academy votes on the winners and they often vote on their favorite film as opposed to how it's shot and lit. 

But will these five men carry over to the Oscar nominations? Usually one person is dropped for the Oscar list.

* My three theories
a) Everyone is waking up and going "D'oh!" about The Social Network losing last year. Sorry Fincher!
b) Everyone loves violence against women (sadly this is obvious in pop culture) especially when its got the sheep's clothing of a sort of feminist icon wrapped around it.
c) Hollywood just really likes the movie and its freshest in the memory.

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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