Alexa here. I've skillfully avoided much of the hysteria surrounding The Hunger Games for quite a while. Like Nathaniel, I've been reluctant to jump on the over-marketed, YA-franchise bandwagon. But loving Jennifer Lawrence's performance in Winter's Bone, I took notice when she was cast as Katniss. And when the first full trailer emerged I felt a tingle down my spine. Yet I held steady in my resolve to avoid the marketing cacaphony. But something in me broke down this week: I started the book. Well done, Lionsgate, you conquered me with your buzz-making machine. In light of my change of heart, here are some pretty swell creations made in advance of the film.
Limited edition prints by Purple Cow Posters.
Poster prints by Entropy Trading Company.Click for more, including jewelry...
Necklaces by J T'aime Boutique.
Wall decal by Keep Calm Shoppe.