Has anyone yet compiled a list of every 80s film that's been remade? It would be long and exhausting and this decade would already be lousing with them. Scarface (1983), like many of the films already remade, is quintessentially 80s but that won't stop Hollywood from going there. Word is that Rihanna is desperate to play Elvira Hancock (the role which was the first real sign that Michelle Pfeiffer was one for the pantheon) should the remake actually go forward.
Rihanna is a member of Scarface's legion of fans
I shouldn't judge Rihanna's acting ability without seeing Battleship (uh...) but her music video work doesn't give me much faith in her as an actress per se. I've always thought her face was unusually inexpressive actually (Not that I'm a Rihanna expert). The thing that really got me LOLin'g about the gossipy news item which originated in The Sun is this:
”Rihanna loves ‘Scarface...Some of her music videos have been based on Michelle’s character, Elvira. She knows all the words and even has her walk perfected.”
I'm not sure knowing all the words counts as a plus in acting before a screenplay's been written!
But I do agree with Rihanna that Elvira has "ridiculous swagger". Given that superiority complex, I'm reasonally certain that Elvira herself wouldn't take kindly to anyone's desire to recreate her. Quoth Elvira:
Don't toot your own horn, honey. You're not that good."