Juliette & George, Together Again
Monday, November 11, 2013 at 2:30PM
Glenn Dunks in August: Osage County, George Clooney, Juliette Lewis

It hadn't even occurred to me that August: Osage County wasn't the first collaboration between George Clooney and Juliette Lewis. Nearly 20 years ago the two starred together in From Dusk till Dawn battling vampires in Texas with Quentin Tarantino, Harvey Keitel and a python-loving Salma Hayek. A lot has changed since then and it's doubtful you'd find either making a gory horror flick again, but it was nice to see Lewis post this photo of the pair on Instagram. 

I killed vampires w this guy in 95 and now he's one of the producers of #AugustOsageCounty And still… http://t.co/1ql4xsRJdx

— Juliette Lewis (@JulietteLewis) November 11, 2013

As an aside, how glad do you think Clooney is that The Momunents Men got booted into 2014 and so doesn't have to spend months promoting it for awards season alongside August and Gravity

As a secondary aside, will Juliette Lewis have her own Dallas Buyers Club soon? A role that, like Jared Leto's this year, makes audiences remember that she was once an incredible actor who just couldn't find a spot in the Hollywood system and so turned to rock music? I can only hope so!

As a third aside, don't we all look forward to Nathaniel's thoughts on August once he returns from AFI Fest? I know I do!

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
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