Can Frozen's "Olaf" Melt Monty's Heart? 
Monday, November 4, 2013 at 3:00PM
NATHANIEL R in Disney, Frozen, Oscars (13), Punditry, animated films, cats

This weekend on the podcast Katey asked if Monty, the web's original feline Oscar pundit, had met Olaf the scene-stealing snowman from Disney's impending Frozen. Generally speaking, Monty HATES stuffed animals and has even attacked them while they sat immobile, innocent and helpless, on a bed or couch.  I decided to risk the swag anyway and placed Olaf on the couch.  Some hours later our furry friend was caught sleeping right next to him rather than attacking him. Notice how the paw DOES NOT touch the snowman, a crucial distinction separating 'sure, ok' indifference from 'yes please' affection.  

I pushed my luck and moved Olaf nose to nose with Monty...


["oh we're doing this again, Daddy? You exhaust me."]

"whatever" *yawn*

Back to sleep Monty went after a quick bath. But WAIT... are BOTH paws now purposefully touching the Disney cutie or is this merrely an accident of narcoleptic circumstance ?

WHAT CAN IT ALL MEAN? I have an idea but I'll let you decode Monty's prediction for yourself in the comments. 


Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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