Thoughts I Had... While Staring at Promo Images for "Edge of Tomorrow"
Tuesday, July 16, 2013 at 5:00PM
NATHANIEL R in Edge of Tomorrow, Thoughts I Had..., Tom Cruise

This movie used to be called All You Need is Kill but in the grand tradition of Hollywood, any unusual title MUST degenerate/mutate into a generic one before release. See also John Carter of, No He's Not From Mars! or Cop Gives Waitress Two Mi-- It Could Happen To You! and thousands of other movies before them...

Tom Cruise having his "get away from her you, bitch" moment?

Someone needs to make a supercut of all the times that Tom Cruise has been backlit by / outrun explosions. I bet that supercut would be as long as a feature film!

What if Terrence Malick directed an action movie?


This film will be opening on June 6th,  2014. Happy birthday to, uh, me?

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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