TV Character Mashup Fantasies
Tuesday, July 23, 2013 at 2:03PM
NATHANIEL R in Downton Abbey, Emmy, Enlightened, Game of Thrones, Girls, Laura Dern, Mad Men, Maggie Smith, Mashups, TV

Andrew was kind enough to poll Team Experience about their joy, bafflement, and dreams regarding last week's Emmy nominations but we saved one question for last since their was so much to read and parse already. We asked one final question of the team and we thought we'd share it with you here. Bonus points to the reader who comes up with the best spec script to make any of these fabulously impossible unions happen!

Which Emmy-nominated TV characters would you love to see paired up?!? 

The Dowager Countess was a constant presence in the answers...

mashup fun after the jump 

Jose: If Maggie Smith beats Christina Hendricks again I swear... but ironically I’d love to see the Dowager Countess visit SCDP and have a stare-off with Joan.

Deborah:  I think the Dowager Countess from Downton Abbey would have some hilarious words for Peggy Olson on Mad Men.

Paolo: Liberace and Joan Harris being fabulous together.

David: I bet fun would ensue if Don Draper wandered into Hannah Horvath's life.

Laura Dern's Enlightened character also won quality screentime in our brains...

Glenn:  Amy Jellicoe from Enlightened and Adam Driver from Girls. Something tells me they’d get along like a house on fire.

Andrew: The possibilities are endless but the thought of Carrie Mathison and Amy Jellicoe – two women with lots of ambition, one more deluded than the other – teaming up to either take over the world or destroy it would be a sure-fire must watch show.

And the most popular mashup...

Michael: Oh, come on! That’s too easy. Every wants to see Diana Rigg’s Queen of Thorns square off against Maggie Smith’s Dowager Countess, right?

 Maggie Smith’s Dowager and Diana Rigg’s Olenna Tyrell since they’re essentially the same character. They can be the sassy old lady version of Statler and Waldorf. 

: Dianna Rigg’s Olenna Tyrell and Dame Maggie’s Dowager Countess. Put them together and let the bitchy bon mots fly! 

Any favorites? Or perhaps you'd like to pitch a new pairing in the comments?

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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