Before Batman Began Again...
Monday, September 23, 2013 at 12:22PM
JA in Amy Adams, Batman, Chris Nolan, Christian Bale

JA from MNPP here. This is making the rounds today, but perhaps you've missed it - from the new boxed-set of Batman blurays out this weeks comes the above audition tape from our most recent rubber-suited shadow dweller, Christian Bale himself! This was for 2005's Batman Begins of course, which began the whole Nolan era of Gotham and its gruff-voiced hero. Right off the bat (har) you'll see that Bale had that smoker's voice in mind for the character beneath the scowl - personally I was cool with it in Begins, but grew steadily sick of the affectation as the films wore on. (Although the same could pretty much be said of my take on the triology, give or take some Ledger.) But who's reading that opposite him? Might that be Lois Lane herself, one Amy Adams? To think what might have been with her in place of Katie Holmes...

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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