Cher Keeps Gym Class Classy
Friday, September 6, 2013 at 10:00AM
Anne Marie in Clueless, High School Movies, sports

Back to School Month

Anne Marie here with a question: did anybody actually enjoy gym in high school? I was a varsity athlete, and I still hated it. I hated getting gross and sweaty in the middle of the day, I hated walk-running a mile around the track, and I especially hated my gym wardrobe: either highwater sweatpants or shorts that by rule had to extend past your fingertips. (Catholic school, am I right?)

Fortunately, gym in Clueless was an entirely classier affair.

was the first high school movie I remember seeing, and I was deeply disappointed when high school did not turn out to be as chic/clever/classy as I had been led to believe.

So, what was your least favorite class in high school?

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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