Blargh. Perfect Timing
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 8:20PM
NATHANIEL R in The Film Experience

So, it's Oscar season (only 791 hours to go until the big show) and my desktop computer, which houses all the software I use on a daily basis and all my in progress pieces, abruptly quit this morning. Just blacked out with no warning and no dramatic underscoring. My desk is weirdly empty without the silver beast on it and so is my soul. Three days at least without it. *weeps*

I am fighting off waves of self-pity (can't I catch a break once in a while?) but will attempt to keep up the blogging to the point where you won't notice for the conspicuous lack of photoshopping and film bitch awards... okay, okay, you will probably notice. Blogging from the laptop, ipad, or phone is like making dinner with one hand tied behind my back (at least the way I do it). 

Join my pity party by mouthing off on something that's really bugging you right now. Let it all out! Vent. 

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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