10 Questions I had while staring at that pic of Jake Gyllenhaal
Monday, December 1, 2014 at 9:39AM
Manuel Betancourt in Antoine Fuqua, Gyllenhaalic, Southpaw, sports

Manuel here voicing the various queries I had upon staring at this new pic from Jake Gyllenhaal’s upcoming Antoine Fuqua directed flick, Southpaw.


  1. Did the Prince of Persia get on a shredding regimen?
  2. Is Jake the new Christian Bale in terms of weight loss/gain yo-yoing?
  3. A troubled teenager, a paranoid reporter, a gay cowboy, an easily scared interviewee, a James Baldwin connoissieur, and now a jacked middleweight champion; is there anything Jake can’t do?
  4. Is Jake still this ripped? Will he look like this as he makes his Broadway debut?
    Related: do you think the Gyllenhaal siblings made it a point to be on Broadway at the same time?
  5. Between Prisoners, Enemy, Nightcrawler and now Southpaw, will we need to come up with a portmanteau for his resurgence? Jakeaissance? Gyllenhawakening?
  6. Where are his co-stars Naomie Harris and Rachel McAdams?
  7. Related: why does IMDb’s “star meter” (also: what is IMDb’s star meter?) rank McAdams higher than Gyllenhaal in the Southpaw credits?
  8. Will Fuqua’s Southpaw follows the likes of The Fighter, The Wrestler, Ali, Million Dollar Baby, Rocky and Raging Bull at the Oscars and nab Jake a nomination? Weinstein is behind the pic so Oscar is bound to factor into the conversation to some extent.
  9. Is this Jake’s version of stealth campaigning, showcasing his range after picking up an Indie Spirit nom for Nightcrawler?
  10. And of course, I can’t not leave you with this question from Glenn:



Would you rather Jake Gyllenhaal in NIGHTCRAWLER or SOUTHPAW? I'm actually not sure I know my own answer.

— Glenn Dunks (@glenndunks) November 30, 2014


I honestly would stick with Jarhead Jake, but I’m curious where everyone else lies: do you like Gyllenhaal’s latest look? I can’t be the only Gyllenhaalic in the room so, do you have any answers for my questions above?

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
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