Twins: Eva Green and... 
Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 2:22PM
NATHANIEL R in Eva Green, MPAA, Penny Dreadful, Sin City, The Dreamers, movie posters, twins

each day at 2:22 a twin post dedicated to all you Geminis reading - one of us... one of us...!

Eva Green keeps winning the spotlight in 2014. In March she took every MVP notice for 300: Rise of an Empire (though I must ask 'was their competition for that title, really?). In May she headlined the premiere of the new Showtime series Penny Dreadful (which we briefly discussed here). Right on the heels of that her hotness made the MPAA all sweaty again (they freaked out over her film debut as well) and they vowed that her character poster for Sin City: A Dame To Kill For woudl never see the inside of theaters. They've since changed the poster to get it approved. (They are so reliably weird.)

Eva's fanbase is ever growing but she's still mysterious onscreen and off. Did you know she has a twin?

As an actress Eva is one of a kind, but she shared a womb. Eva began life two minutes before her sister Joy (they're non-identical) who is not in the entertainment business but works with horses. Here you can see a few photos of the very photogenic French family.

Joy, Dad, Mom, and Evathe twins with their momEva & Joy

I had no idea Eva was a twin but it adds a new unexpected layer of 'I'll do anything onscreen' daring to her debut as ½ of that incestuous twin pair (with Louis Garrell) who went all threeway to include Michael Pitt for The Dreamers


Have you ever seen The Dreamers? And are you watching Penny Dreadful?  I still can't decide if I like it but the most recent episode was so light on Eva's hypnotic actorly pyrotechnics (it's not like her to recede and let the other characters appear to be more interesting!) that my attention was totally fading until that twisty kiss at the episode's end.

Update! 06/05: Penny Dreadful has been renewed for a second season.

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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