Beauty Break: Stars in Chains
Sunday, August 31, 2014 at 11:00AM
NATHANIEL R in Adrien Brody, Beauty Break, Bride of Frankenstein, Lady Gaga, Louise Brooks, Of Human Bondage, Princess Leia

I was all prepared to write a short and snappy post about Historical Inaccuracies via Hot Bodies when I saw Adrien Brody buffed and chained for Houdini. Only then I looked at photos of the actual Houdini and it wasn't such a stretch after all. He must have spent as much time in the gym as he did locked in vaults underwater. Houdini, a new two night miniseries about the famous magician and escape artist, premieres tomorrow on the Discovery Channel.

Let's ignore for the moment that Adrien Brody has had a very strange career post-Oscar (and pre-Oscar come to think of it). Can he get back in the awards game with this. Or, rather, does History Channel ever win Emmy attention? You tell me, Emmy experts.

And we thank Brody for the sudden beauty break inspiration. Let's ogle stars all chained up, some even voluntarily, with a gallery after the jump. I mean, can you guess who this is for instance?

Yup, it's our favorite silent goddess Louise Brooks. Nope, I have no idea what she's doing in chains.

Russell Crowe gets a little shut eye in captivity. Or is he trying to control his inner beast from raging 'the sun. the moon. the truth'  (I don't remember this scene at all from Gladiator)

Tom Hiddleston tempting bondage enthusiasts everywhere.

This image is a metaphor for how Tim Burton and Johnny Depp are chained together for eternity. Yes, Johnny, that's frightening. You have a rare break with Big Eyes. RUN FOR IT. 

Pop Divas in self-imposed chains


Though shalt not lust after Charlton Heston. Pick some shirtless extra to lust after instead. 


David Arquette in chains. I apologize profusely for putting this image in your head but if I had to endure it for "research" than you must, too. (This is from his upcoming movie Orion)

Bruce Campbell is always in trouble.

This counts as "beauty" if you count crisp black-and-white cinematography and old school soundstage set design as beautiful and we certainly do at TFE.

Possibly the greatest girlpower moment of the 1980s as Princess Leia kills her opressor with the very chains he's bound her with.  Ohmygod I miss puppets in movies. And also Carrie Fisher. And also slave girl bold bikinis. And Star Wars movies before they got ugly with frantic CGI in every square inch of screen surface.

Exit Music. She's a wonder... wonder woman ♪ ♫



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