Curio: Rubber Stamp World
Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 8:01AM
Alexa in Bette Davis, Curio, Danny DeVito, Gary Busey, Joan Crawford, Nicolas Cage, Young Frankenstein

Alexa here with your weekly arts and crafts. I have to admit that I have an oddball addiction to rubber stamps. Not your run-of-the-mill, country-crafty variety, but those of the pop-culture-obsessy variety. I spend a bit too much of my monthly budget on them, stamping gift cards, tags, or any piece of paper that isn't tied down in the house.  Etsy and ebay have enabled this addiction: etsy has some wonderful hand-carved stamps for fans of everything from Sherlock to Star Wars.  And ebay has some great used ones: I recently purchased these What Ever Happened to Baby Jane and All About Eve stamps from the estate of Charles Pierce (who famously dressed as Baby Jane for a series of greeting cards).

Alas, my budget this month can't handle me buying all the ones on my wish list, so I'll share my favorite film fan stamps currently for sale, after the jump...

Nic Cage, Gary Busey, Snape and Hanks stamps, available at this shop.

Oscar and movie light stamps available here.

Guy Fawkes V for Vendetta stamp available here.

Disney movie silhouette stamps available at this shop.

Marty Feldman Igor stamp available here.

Danny DeVito stamp from this etsy shop.

Guardians of the Galaxy geekery available here.

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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