Tweets o' the Week
Monday, November 16, 2015 at 1:00PM
NATHANIEL R in 45 Years, Acceptance Speeches, Mark Hamill, Oscars (15), Oscars (50s), Room, The Martian, Twitter

Los Angeles is uncommonly windy at the moment. Dorothy Gale windy even. Nature Attacks!

But nevertheless I'm off to the airport to fly home to NYC after quite a fun busy week of Oscar buzz and AFI festivities. We'll catch up on anything we missed (surely a lot) in the next couple of days. In the meantime please to enjoy tweets that amused us most this week.

Beginning with this hilarity from Ryan Adams and moving on to Golden Globe categorization thoughts, Charlotte Rampling praise, Bradley Cooper schadenfreude and more after the jump... 


1951. Therese breaks the news to Carol: Decision Before Dawn got a BP nomination but Strangers on a Train didn't.

— Ryan Adams (@filmystic) November 13, 2015

Thanksgiving is the best holiday because it's about the entire family giving Oscar speeches.

— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) November 16, 2015

Saw @45YearsFilm last night and now want to stay in bed for the rest of my life. Master class by Charlotte Rampling & Tom Courtenay.

— Dave Karger (@davekarger) November 11, 2015

Did u know: Jane Seymour & Sir Ian McKellen go way back. To AMADEUS on B'way before the movie! #MrHolmesParty

— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) November 15, 2015

I asked Kathy Bates if she'll be seeing MISERY on Broadway. "No. But I sent them flowers from 'your #1 fan.' I know that's corny!."

— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) November 15, 2015

Theater that has up poster for BURNT from when it was called ADAM JONES. The ones printed up as "Bradley Cooper, Whatever" never arrived.

— Mark Olsen (@IndieFocus) November 12, 2015


The "so" after Michelle Pfeiffer finishes "More Than You Know."

— Dan Zak (@MrDanZak) November 16, 2015

One of the most disturbing aspects of ROOM? Realizing that the shed they're in is about the same size as my NYC studio apartment...

— abstew (@_abstew) November 15, 2015

When Mark Hamill autographs STAR WARS trading cards, he goes all out.

— Scott Wampler (@LimitedPaper) November 14, 2015



Carell is in BIG SHORT for about 30 mins and going lead. Vikander, Mara, Tremblay own their entire movies and are going supporting. Sure.

— Kyle Buchanan (@kylebuchanan) November 13, 2015


I'm kinda fine with the Globes calling The Martian a comedy? Come at me.

— kateyrich (@kateyrich) November 13, 2015

In fairness to The Martian, there are a number of disco songs in it, so it also qualifies as a musical.

— Mark Harris (@MarkHarrisNYC) November 13, 2015

The truth is HFPA should just do away with the submission process entirely. Decide for themselves from the start.

— Kristopher Tapley (@kristapley) November 14, 2015


and finally the story of my last couple of months. HELP.


Any tips on how I can stop eating like a sad monster?

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) November 12, 2015


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