The Superheroes Are Coming. After the Oscars.
Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 10:00AM
NATHANIEL R in Batman, Batman v Superman, Captain America, Doctor Strange, Suicide Squad, Yes No Maybe So, release dates, superheroes

Travel with me into spring 2016 - it will help you to appreciate the now of prestige season more! 2016 is arguably the year in which we see just how insatiable the public's appetite for spandex crime fighting is. Especially now that they can watch the same on TV regularly for free with Agents of SHIELD, Arrow, Supergirl, Flash, Agent Carter, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Daredevil, Legends of Tomorrow, Gotham all on the air now or by the end of 2016. I'm not an expert on the topic but this feels like the most based-on-comics material that movies/tv have ever seen in one calendar year (There was almost even one more but Channing Tatum's Gambit movie is now looking at 2017 since it hasn't started filming.)

2016's Superhero Schedule
Feb 4th   Deadpool (Fox)
Mar 25th Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (WB)
May 6th  Captain America: Civil War (Marvel/Disney)
May 26th X-Men: Apocalypse (Fox)
Jun 3rd   Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (Paramount)
Aug 6th   Suicide Squad (WB)
Nov 6th   Doctor Strange (Marvel/Disney)

So far awards bodies like Emmy and Oscar haven't much cared about the genre at all. Apart from two things... Oscar's visual effects category cares obviously. Though not as much as you'd think -- last year's nominated shortlist which contained three superhero films (Captain America: Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, and X-Men Days of Future Past) is an anomaly. That's the most that have ever been in the category at once and they've passed over many superhero films in the past. Oscar also cares about the Batman franchise (15 nominations / 3 wins). Will that change or will oversaturation kill the chance / momentum for comic book films to be taken seriously?

Why are we talking about this right now? Because, though your host can take or leave a few of these films and though he outright hates the internet's oppressive obsession with every pre-release morsel and speculative circle jerk, he goes weak at knees for Captain America movies. That's just how it is.

We don't choose who we love! Steve Rogers can't help that he loves Bucky Barnes enough to go to war for him, you know?

So the crux of "Civil War" is that Cap will fight the entire government and half his friends because he loves Sebastian Stan? Saaaaaame.

— Joe Reid (@joereid) November 25, 2015


Only 155 days to go until Captain America returns!

The rest of the slate is less exciting -- the idea of a Doctor Strange movie is quite appealing but Benedict Cumberbatch? Zzz.

Here's the brand new trailer (#2 i think? Or is it #3 already) for Batman v Superman v Joy

I don't have the strength to Yes No Maybe So it.  But perhaps it's spiteful to keep referring to it as Batman v Superman v Joy because this trailer does have some minor joking. Wonder Woman looks entirely computer generated! Is Gal Gadot a figment of our imaginations?

P.S. Pajiba wrote about this international 'dat ass tho' Deadpool poster and you should read it.


Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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