Here's David on a new comedy...
With Judy Greer being the current centre of the ever-increasing storm over the poor state of roles for women in Hollywood (Jurassic World and Ant-Man... they aren't exactly "Judy Greer movies"), a new trailer showcasing both Judy and Natasha Lyonne in a comedy is hopefully a defiant YES on our patented trailer- judgment scale.
But let's put it to the test anyway, after the jump...
YES. Judy Greer and Natasha Lyonne together - two actresses who have both long been in sore need of leading roles. Weren't you especially aggrieved at so little Lyonne on Orange is the New Black this season? We have not had our Lyonne fix and this looks set to provide a whole lot
MAYBE SO. Sisters stuck in dead-end smalltown life? The line between comedy and mockery is a hard one to tread without being too mean. Still, we should be able to have faith in But I'm A Cheerleader writer-director Jamie Babbett.
MAYBE SO. Aubrey Plaza will probably have goodwill forever for Parks and Rec, but from what we get of her in this trailer, it doesn't look like she's busting out of her entrenched mode of sardonic disapproval here, and it just hasn't translated well into cinema yet. Maybe she needs to try something different?
YES. This expression, forever. Judy Greer is SUBLIME at comedy, as all sane humans will know as they've all watched Arrested Development. I can't think of many actresses who use their face and body so expressively, at least not for comedic purposes. (And for the equally great voice, "see" her in Archer)
NO. A sex addict, though? Can a woman not enjoy her sexuality without it being a horrific deviance? Trainwreck may be setting a poor example to follow. (It hasn't made it to UK shores yet, so do correct me if its outlook is not so judgmental.)
Though this screenshot just reminds me of the latest Rihanna video... hopefully only Judy and the dog emerge from this lift.
MAYBE SO. Accidental murder? Ripe for comedy. Also done many times before. This kind of dark screwball is perhaps even harder than most comedy to really pull off.
YES. I've only recently started watching Fargo (I know, I know!), but Allison Tolman has already jumped onto my list of favourites. Even from this brief line reading, she looks set to kill at whatever size role she has here. And Fred Armisen? Always.
YES. Inept robberies: always fun. Even the misbegotten Tammy managed one. And these guys are robbing a sex shop! Lyonne is holding a dildo!
YES. Clea DuVall !
FOREVER YES. This kind of moment is the reason GIFs were invented. Where are they? Why are they being so badass? Who cares!
NO. Dissing Oprah: still not okay in 2015. This may be the first time I have ever disliked Judy Greer.
YES. Molly Shannon! Bringing pure joy into our lives since 1964.
MAYBE SO. Not sure the stinger joke really plays. Not a great sign if you can't find a killer sign-off.
I'd say I'm a YES, but only in that I'm bound to see it for my love of most of the cast... tonally, this will be a hard act to pull off and only a few moments in the trailer give the impression that they have.
It will probably be a pleasant, forgettable diversion, but let's all hope I'm wrong, eh, and that this brings even greater things for Judy Greer. Are you hopeful?