Jose Gives Thanks <3
Thursday, November 24, 2016 at 3:00PM
Jose in Isabelle Huppert, Janelle Monae, Kate Winslet, Team Experience, Thanksgiving

Jose here. Confession: I keep a gratitude journal. Every morning I jot down a few things for which I’m grateful and more often than not, I find that they have little to do with “real life” and more to do with art, particularly film and theatre. “I’m grateful for the tear that came down the actress’ cheek after she sang the 11 o’clock number”, or “I’m grateful for Emma Stone’s eyes”...Experts say that keeping track of the good things that happen to you is key to happiness, and without being too esoteric, or GOOP, about it I can definitely say I’ve noticed the improvements in my own life. So hey, if you need a new project to get you through these dark days why not give it a try? In the meantime I thought I’d share a few of those entries with you.

I give thanks for…

...being alive in the era where queer films aren’t tragic, but hopeful! Kudos to Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party and Moonlight for sending me home elated, rather than sobbing.

...the fuzzy feelings Isabelle Huppert made me feel in Things to Come. I wanted to hug her for all of eternity after the film ended.

...the “burn everything down” joy of Isabelle Huppert in Elle. I wanted her to recruit me for an army of badassery after the film ended. in an era where Broadway might be accessible to worldwide audiences through streaming and film! While nothing compares to a live performance, just because one can’t be in NYC, it doesn’t mean one should be denied the bliss of seeing Jane Krakowski do a split and slide across the stage. La La Land was able to both pay tribute to great films while also being its own piece of art. There is a moment when Emma Stone is both the object of our desire (a la Vertigo) and also the beholder doing the desiring (a la Babs in The Way We Were) that made my heart stop.  

…managing to avoid watching trailers, clips and teasers. I walked into La La Land knowing absolutely nothing about it, and came out floating on a cloud of pink.

...the inventive cinematography in Jackie. The camera gets so close we might as well be inside the First Lady’s subconscious!

...Janelle Monáe, movie star.

...Black Phillip.

...Blake Lively kicking the shark’s ass in The Shallows.

...Blake Lively and K.Stew being all Kim Novak in Vertigo like in Woody’s Cafe Society.

...Sonia Braga’s unique brand of sexy in Aquarius. Goddess doesn’t even begin to make justice to her.

...the way Kate Winslet lights her cigarettes in The Dressmaker.

...Pedro Almodóvar’s love of Greek mythology in Julieta. Talk about reclaiming the epic as a “woman’s picture”.

...John Carney completing his trilogy of perfect little musicals with Sing Street.


Jose learned how to speak English by memorizing Bambi when he was a toddler. He has loved the movies ever since and will forever be greateful to Nathaniel for giving him his first opportunity to write for an American outlet. Upon moving to NYC he started a torrid affair with theatre and became a member of Drama Desk and the American Theatre Critics Association; however, he comes home to cuddle with the movies every night.

Read more about Team Experience here.

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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