RPDR S8: Roller Boogie & The New Wave
Thursday, March 31, 2016 at 11:00PM
NATHANIEL R in Drag Queens, Empire, RuPaul's Drag Race, TV

Though we had planned to cover each episode of the constantly movie/pop culture referencing RuPaul's Drag Race it wasn't meant to be. We discussed episodes one and two of the eighth season and since we'll have to cover next week's Snatch Game challenge (mandatory) given both its celebrity impersonations AND the breaking news that it'll have a Madonna inspired runway (I died), let's catch up in brief...


Episode 3 "RuCo's Empire" The queens had to perform spoofs of TV's Empire (Bob & Thorgy got the honors of playing Taraji P Henson's already iconic "Cookie" on their respective teams) and had the first ever runway on roller skates which naturally led to Xanadu and disco-era jokes. Winner: Bob the Drag Queen; Episode MVP: Bob or Thorgy; Sent Home: Cynthia Lee Fontaine (Correct decision).

Episode 4 "New Wave Queens" Divided into three teams the queens formed 80s New Wave bands and had to perform in front of Blondie (gasp). Winner: Robbie Turner; Episode MVPs: Guest judges Chris Stein and Debbie Harry who were quick with the quips and blessedly obvious true fans of the show. Sent Home: Naysha Lopez. Correct decision (though the same could not be said for bringing her back in the first place or not putting Derrick Barry in the bottom two this week)

3 Fav Looks from Neon Queen Realness Runway Challenge

Revised Preference Order

  1. Bob the Drag Queen
  2. Thorgy Thor 🔺
  3. Kim Chi
  4. Naomi Smalls 🔺
  5. Acid Betty
  6. Derrick Barry 🔻
  7. Laila McQueen
  8. Chi Chi DeVayne 
  9. Robbie Turner 🔺
  10. Dax Exclamation Point
  11. Cynthia Lee Fontaine
  12. Naysha Lopez 


Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
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