YNMS: Ghostbusters
Friday, March 4, 2016 at 8:30AM
Chris Feil in Chris Hemsworth, Ghostbusters, Kate McKinnon, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, Melissa McCarthy, Paul Feig, Teaser, Yes No Maybe So

As promised weeks ago, the trailer for the female-led Ghostbusters arrived yesterday.! Twitter immediately erupted with a wide range of responses from unbridled enthusiasm to outright disdain. Of course there were plenty of "problematic" call-outs, which can be expected like clockwork these days to almost any property seeking broad appeal.

One of the more delightful elements of the trailer is its instant gif-ability. As if we didn't already get new comedy gold from star Kate McKinnon this past weekend at the Indie Spirit Awards - including the delightful Carol spoof - she emerged as the clear audience favorite already. How many times did everyone see this flawless moment today?:

Speaking of best shots, don't forget Hit Me With Your Best Shot returns next week with the original Ghostbusters! You can stream it now for free on Amazon Prime and it's also available on iTunes and Netflix rental. Make sure to send us a link so that we can include you in the fun!

We'll break down the  Yes No Maybe So of it all, with the trailer after the jump...


- Yep, McKinnon is the major takeaway here. Every joke lands and she's going big with a character that is already wildly divergent from the original Ghostbusters

- Leslie Jones in a major role? When can I buy a ticket?

- The "let's go" bit promises the type of chemistry we demand from this team and franchise

- After Spy, Bridesmaids, and The Heat, Paul Feig has earned our blind support

- Chris Hemsworth can kick down my door any day of the week

- Gun licking! Ghost punching! Jet pack-ery! What an unexpected dose of ass kicking!

- A comedy in IMAX! Even with the 3D enhancement, it's delightful to have something less overtly action-focused on large format


- The color palette is dangerously close to Alice in Wonderland garrishness

- Leslie Jones is a public transit employee and the other heroes are scientists? While she seems to drive more of the plot than perhaps McKinnon, we have another example of unbalanced representation for a woman of color

- Every word out of Melissa McCarthy's mouth is frighteningly expository. Is Feig's star player going to have the least fun this time around?

- A conspicuous lack of Kristen Wiig. Hmmm...

- The "30 Years Ago" titles at the beginning are confusing. Weren't we told that this team would have nothing to do with the original Ghostbusters?

- ANOTHER reboot of a beloved property


- The more opulent CGI seems like it's targeting kids and don't forget that the original remains a family-friendly favorite. Here's one potentially for the whole family that doesn't wholeheartedly pander to the youngest in the group!

- Are those knowing Wiig-McKinnon glances hints at a queer bent to the film?

- All of the retreads to the original feel like welcome nostalgia that's been thoughtfully reinvisioned

- Keeping those cameos from the original stars hidden is smart. Let's hope it stays that way until opening night.

- By the time this opens, we'll have had enough of the big spectacle brooding that early summer has scheduled

This is a resounding YES! There is still plenty of time to resolve those concerns, especially as this is still a brief glimpse of what to expect. The teaser is extra exciting for promising girl power outside of the standard YAS QWEEN or badass depictions that heroines have been limited to - these are heroes to get truly stoked for! And if it fails, at least it has gifting us with that gif of Kate McKinnon winking.

Ghostbusters (2016) opens on July 15.

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
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