Feeling really "sorted out" about Absolutely Fabulous
Monday, July 25, 2016 at 8:01PM
NATHANIEL R in AbFab, Adaptations, Jane Horrocks, Jennifer Saunders, Joan Collins, Joanna Lumley, Kate Moss, Reviews, comedy

This review was originally published in Nathaniel's column at Towleroad

Do you remember that bit in the AbFab series when Edina is turning 40 and her ex husband’s new wife Bo (the hilarious Mo Gaffney), already in her 40s, is feeling really zen about the aging process…

I mean, golly, I wish I could tell her it’s no big deal. I had a ball on my 40th birthday. I felt really strong, really sorted-out about it. I realized what a lucky, wonderful person I was. And whether in your 30s or your 40s, you’re still the same gorgeous person. Enjoy life!

…only to hyperventilate at the mention of her own impending 50s? I kept thinking about that bit during the new AbFab movie...

Well, that one and Bo’s other most-quoted line amongst my friends “I love old things,” which must always be said whilst casually placing your hands on your friend’s shoulders.



If you missed ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS THE MOVIE  this weekend (you’d better have a doctor’s note) you’ll be happy to know that Bo and the rest of the sideshow circus of the classic Britcom are back for cameos in the new adventure. But the joke is still the same.

When AbFab started a… uh… quarter century ago [*hyperventilating*] so much of the comedy sprung from the fact that Edina and Patsy, played by the genius Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley, were too old for their antics. Their worlds (fashion and PR) tended to idolize teenagers in designer wear. Twenty-four years later, they’re even older and so’s the joke, but it’s still damn funny.

Comedies are among the hardest movies to review — which is why I haven’t really done so — because it comes down to how much you laugh. The new film is more of a mini new season than a supersized “Movie” as the title promises but who wouldn’t want another season? It’s a disposable joy if you're a fan: the celebrity cameos, especially Joan Collins and Dame Edna’s are silly fun; Joanna Lumley still has the power to generate guffaws with a simple grimace, smile, or shrug; the Pats/Edina chemistry remains absurdly perfect in its hermetically sealed bubble. And, finally, the ongoing “they killed Kate Moss” plot device, which kicks the movie into its main gear, has a perfect throwaway punchline on the beach.

Grade: B/B-
MVP: Joanna Lumley. Kate Moss us runner up for being a good sport.
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Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
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