Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 2:00PM
NATHANIEL R in Justice League, Kate Beckinsale, Kevin Spacey, Quentin Tarantino, RIP, Taylor Swift, The Greatest Showman, Wonder Woman, Zendaya, comedy, dolls, links

New York Social Diary RIP gossip columnist Liz Smith. I grew up reading her syndicated column *sniffle* This link is a remembrance of her by Denis Ferrara who was a very close friend and collaborator on her column
Esquire the ten best comedies of the year including Ingrid Goes West, Thor Ragnarok, Girls Trip, and Lady Bird
Independent Firing Kevin Spacey from House of Cards might be more difficult than Netflix thought, legally speaking
Awards Daily the case for Michelle Pfeiffer. Give her her damn Oscar already
Variety Zendaya is doing a film about the first African-American woman to graduate from Vassar (who passed as white to do so). It's called A White Lie

Deadline Wonder Woman 2 has moved to a November 1st 2019 release and Gal Gadot, contrary to reports over the weekend, is already locked in to star. Patty Jenkins will direct again. We hope there's no sophomore slump because the first one was so damn enjoyable/inspiring
Variety keeps us updated with what's going on with Martin Scorsese's The Irishman which Netflix will stream. Variety, perhaps for click-bait purposes, acts like the theatrical release is in doubt but it is surely not; Scorsese would never sign a contract that doesn't give him at least some theatrical distribution so expect the usual limited release that no one goes to in theaters because its' also streaming for free on Netflix situation (upcoming with Mudbound)
IndieWire Denis Villeneuve might direct Bond 25 but right now a relaunch of Dune is still his priority
YouTube new trailer for The Greatest Showman. It's basically the old trailer with a couple more dialogue clips thrown in and some less tuneful than "This Is Me" song that Jackman is talk/singing. I'm still dying to see it because musicals for life, don'cha know
/Film Quentin Tarantino's next movie is about the year of 1969 rather than the Charles Manson murders as previously reported. Let's hope it's better than that 1988 film 1969 which starred Winona Ryder and Robert Downey Jr

Off Screen
Damn Joan a Barbie doll funeral
Vulture every Taylor Swift song ever, ranked. Fun read even though i think it's silly and click-baity to claim "Look What You Made Me Do" is the worst song she ever wrote
Theater Mania 11 Asian-American shows on stages this season across the country
Playbill Lin-Manuel Miranda's ongoing effort to help Puerto Rico recover from Hurrican Maria

Exit Videos
If only more directors could find a way to harness Kate Beckinsale's natural wit in movies. This video made me LOL so much. Watch every second of it, please. Below that is a Justice League if it were made in the 80s "opening credits" sequence. Cute and weirdly plausible which I'm not sure is a compliment to the movie which is about to open.

❤️ @lily_sheen 😘

A post shared by Kate Beckinsale (@katebeckinsale) on Nov 11, 2017 at 9:30pm PST


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