Big Little Lies MVPs: Episode 5 "Once Bitten"
Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 1:20AM
NATHANIEL R in Big Little Lies, HBO, Laura Dern, Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, Robin Weigert, TV, sex scenes, women who lie to themselves

Previously: episode 1 and 2, episode 3 and episode 4. Here's Nathaniel's take on Episode 5

In the fifth episode, we've reached what has to be a boiling point as Jane, Madeline, Celeste and Renata all seem to be coming absolutely unhinged simultaneously. Spoiler alert for the rest of this post: this show is just superb and it's giving us more actressing than we even know what to do with. *tosses roses at television*

Top Ten MVPs of Big Little Lies. Episode 5 "Once Bitten"

10. Madeline's Dream
Bonus points to the show for having a sense of humor about its hardcore annoying refusal to let us know who was murdered. Also any Avenue Q reference is golden.  

09 "Bully Free Zone"
That damn bright yellow & red sign. 

Don't you feel like it's constantly just taunting everyone in the school? At least half of the adults in this show are bullies themselves and everyone seems so helplessly ill equipped to deal with bullying in school on top of their other issues... 

08 "She is going to kill you"
Bonnie's casual funny truth-telling on the couch when her husband hangs up on Madeline

07 This shot
Not everyone will agree but I think this show is truly brave to pair this storyline with these sexually charged actors. It complicates audience response in a really (good) uncomfortable way -- and also keys you in to how messy the collusion of consent issues, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and marriage can be.


06 Ed & Madeline's sexless sex scene
Sad and funny in equal measure with its staccato rhythm and mood killing interruptions, some external and some internal.

Can you take a breath for one second?"

05 Renata performing a deep breath
Laura Dern's full throttle fury/indignation is wondrous. She can even weaponize body language

04 Nicole Kidman staring out the coffee shop window
You may recall that I was hesitant about this performance at the start given its opacity. But the opacity was by design. The punctuation of this reverie, with Tom unwittingly startling her, was a nice touch and reminder of how fragile Celeste's purposeful opacity (even with herself) is becoming. 

03. Editing
Editing is usually used to shape performance, pacing, forward rhythm and draw connections. In episode five it's practically its own noisy character, and going for baroque. 

Maybe I should get a gun. There's more than one person I'd like to shoot in this town.

02 Reese Witherspoon
I'm absolutely convinced after five episodes that this is the performance of her career. (And she wasn't hurting for stellar work previously: Election, Legally Blonde, Man on the Moon, Wild). She has every inch of this woman's soul down, including the way she lies (too specific) and the way she tells the truth when she's also lying (her distraction at the refrigerator when she tells Ed one of her secrets, but probably not the one she's thinking about most at that moment. She's so perfect that you're even relieved to realize Madeline doesn't like guns (because she'd be way too dangerous with one - she's already doggedly ready to attack without one)

01 Therapy Session
Zoinks! A master class in scripting and acting and humanity. Though I have not experienced abuse in my life and have no idea how close this hews to reality, it feels voyeuristically true. Robin Weigert is just brilliant in this therapist role managing just the right tricky tone of minimalist reaction, measured inquiry, lawyer like evasions "my apologies, I misread" and scalpel precise blows right past Nicole Kidman's Woman Who Lies To Herself™ armor. A-ma-zing. I think I'll watch it again right now. 

On second thought, way too painful. Especially given Celeste spontaneous decision post therapy, throwing herself back over the metaphorical cliff. She's just as married to her own guilt as she is to Perry. 

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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