By Seán McGovern
David Letterman has spent enough time growing his beard and is set to return to screens. Letterman is to host a six-show season on Netflix, which will be “in-depth conversations with extraordinary people, and in-the-field segments expressing his curiosity and humor.”
Netflix has already taken a foray into interview shows, with Chelsea well into its second season and boasting a ninety-episode season one behind it. Letterman's deal goes into production in the fall, and to debut next year.
Letterman spent 33 years on late night talk shows, his earlier shows an anarchic mishmash of gags and guests, ranging from Tom Brokaw to Dolly Parton and Sandra Bernhard. The latter had a notable range of appearances on Late Night With David Letterman, most infamously a frenetic and hilarious interview in which she drags out her BFF, Madonna.
Talk Shows can capture personalities at their most illuminating, as evidenced on the great Dick Cavett Show: Interviews with the likes of Angela Davis, Gore Vidal, Katharine Hepburn and Bette Davis.
What are your greatest interview show moments?