Eight Links Out
Friday, December 21, 2018 at 5:22PM
NATHANIEL R in Black Panther, Costume Design, Female Directors, LGBT, Lady Gaga, Penny Marshall, Pixar, Sally Hawkins, editing, short films

Deadline 10 upcoming films that were given by funding from the British Film Institute... including a new meaty role for Sally Hawkins
Filmmaker picks the 10 best films directed by women this year from Kenya's Rafiki through the US indie Madeline's Madeline. The biggest grosswer on the list is You Were Never Really Here by Lynne Ramsay...
TFE <-- which, in case you missed  our year in review of box office hits, is only the 8th biggest grosser among female helmed films this year just behind Leave No Trace and Can You Ever Forgive Me?
The Muse "Penny Marshall and the Movies That Shaped Me" 
Gold Derby if Lady Gaga wins two Oscars this February she'll be the fifth woman to accomplish that trick in one night (but first actress).
Pajiba picks some favourite movie costumes of the year and thankfully doesn't ignore contemporary films
Electric Literature why recent movies about queer friendships are so revolutionary
Awards Daily talks to Black Panther's editor Michael Shawver about some of the movie's best scenes and a compliment from Francis Coppola
/Film you have just one week to watch Pixar's animated short finalist Bao online. It's soooo adorable

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
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