Maleficent Triptych
Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at 12:30PM
NATHANIEL R in Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning, Maleficent, Michelle Pfeiffer, movie posters, sequels

That's it. That's the post.

No, we kid. We need the close-up that matters and to talk trailer and costumes...

Since Michelle doesn't have pointy ears or any strange prosthetics and sits in a normal old palace in the trailer we have to assume she's playing a human queen rather than a fairy queen, which is kind of a bummer. It would have been a fun trivia item to have her play TWO fairy queens in her career (remember A Midsummer Night's Dream?).

You may recall that the first Maleficent movie in 2014, netted an Oscar nomination for Costume Design for Anna B Sheppard (her third nomination, and her first from a film not set in WW II which appears to be her specialty).

The costumes are by Ellen Mirojnick this time. Mirojnick (The Greatest Showman) has yet to receive an Oscar nomination despite her talent, probably because she was designing for the type of movies that dont' get Oscar nominations for costumes even when they deserve them but she has quite a few very cool credits -- think 90s classics: Showgirls, Strange Days, Speed. Mirojnick does have an Emmy, though, for Steven Soderbergh's Liberace biopic Behind the Candelabra.

Our three dreams for this movie -- for which we are not hopeful given the original film and the trailer -- are as follows:

  1. That Michelle steals it
  2. That she gets to wear multiple great costumes within it. 
  3. That it's not actually terrible.

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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