Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 9:42AM
NATHANIEL R in Asian cinema, Bong Joon Ho, Call of the Wild, Idris Elba, Kathy Griffin, Tom Hanks, Visual FX, Wonder Woman, film festivals, links

The Guardian wonders if dog actors are a thing no more after Call of the Wild. This makes us sad. Though wild animals as CGI makes sense, dogs actually love training/performing/playing with humans.
/Film Bong Joon Ho has floated the idea that he'd like to make a musical. Unlike /film, we don't approve given his comments. We've been saying this since the days of the early Aughts 'filmmakers who are non-fans or embarrassed by the musical form SHOULD NOT make them.' Periodt.

after the jump more on the coronavirus and Hollywood, Lyle Waggoner RIP, and more...

Cartoon Brew Visual Effects companies are still asking their workers to come into the office despite much of the film & tv industry working from home at the moment
Variety Chinese cinemas have been closeed since the end of January (with a loss of $2 billion). Audiences are eager to get back (and people there are returning to work) but there's still no return date on the movie theaters.
Screen Daily Universal releasing current movies to VOD on Friday (like Invisible Man and The Hunt)

Outside of the Movies
Vox "Our calm is contageous" how to use mindfulness in a pandemic
Advocate school musicals were cancelled all over the country so Laura Benanti asked students to sing for her on Twitter. This was so precious and we love Benanti even more than before (which was already... a lot)
Gemma Correll "Coronavirus Reward Stickers"
The Oatmeal "How to be socially distant"
Towleroad Comic Kathy Griffin's delightful wine-loving mother Maggie has died at 99
Kenneth in the (212) TV star Lyle Waggoner (The Carol Burnett Show, Wonder Woman) has died at 84. As a wee child I was *really* into Steve Trevor. (sigh)
AV Club Idris Elba has tested for positive for coronavirus. Healing thoughts his way.
The Guardian ...good news just in: Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks, are recovering after their positive tests!

Cancellations. A new list...
STAGE: Olivier Awards (April), Theater World Awards (postponed from June - new date TBA), Helen Hayes Awards (postponed - moving from May 18th to August 24th), Kennedy Center (all performances through May 10th)
FILM: Edinburgh (June), Sydney Film Festival (June) 

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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