Nathaniel on the Jury at CIFF
Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 8:00AM
NATHANIEL R in Brian Tyree Henry, CIFF, Canada, Goran Bogdan, Greece, Krisha Fairchild, LGBT, Slavic cinema, juries

by Nathaniel R

All the Pretty Horses (Greece, 2020)

The Calgary International Film Festival begins today and will run through Sunday, October 4th I'm pleased to share the news that I'm on the International Narrative Feature jury this year (the fun kind of jury duty!) with Nancy Campbell and George Smalz. We're all attending virtually this year, of course, rather than in person...

There are ten competition films in the international program though I can't tell you my feelings about them til after the jury awards are presented. Nevertheless there are more films in the festival than just that one program. Outside of the International Narrative Competition, I'm most curious about Christian Petzold's Undine and the Iranian drama There is No Evil which both won major prizes at Berlinale early this year. There's also Viggo Mortensen's Falling, the Swiss Oscar submission My Little Sister, the gay drama Cicada, and the documentary Stray which is about dogs but takes place in Istanbul where that brilliant cat documentary Kedi was set.

The International Narrative Feature Contenders are... 

Cocoon (Germany, 2020) 

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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