Smackdown Season Schedule
Tuesday, June 29, 2021 at 7:28PM
NATHANIEL R in Smackdown, The Film Experience

Attention actressexuals and awards-nuts. The final (?) season of Supporting Actress Smackdown is deep in progress. Ep. 1 on 2020Ep. 2 on 2000 and Ep. 3 on 1946 are behind us. Here's what's next and if the movies are currently on a streaming service we've indicated that otherwise they're all available to rent at the usual places like YouTube, iTunes, Amazon, and Apple TV. As per usual we'll be intermittently celebrating the following film years leading up to these events... 

Smackdown 1998 on Monday July 26th, 2021

To get the maximum enjoyment out of the Smackdown consider rewatching the films along with us! Voting is open from now until Saturday July 24th. email in your votes with "1998 smackdown" in the subject line and a heart rating on each actress from 1 (poor) to 5 (perfection). You can include notes if you'd like as we might quote you.

Smackdown 1986 on Thursday August 26th, 2021

Voting opens August 1st!

Tentative Dates Thereafter
Sept 27th - Revisiting 1937
Oct 21st - Revisiting 2004
Nov 18th - Revisiting 1997
Dec 16th - Revisiting 1951 

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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