First & Last 010
Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 8:00AM
NATHANIEL R in first and last

Can you guess the movie from its first and last shot?

The answer is after the jump if you scroll down...










That's Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007). Or, as we like to refer to it... "a colossal waste of a best actress slot in 2007". This isn't the Emmys. There's no need for repeats! Now, we can't complain too much because The Lovely Laura Linney did manage a surprise Best Actress nomination (which we somehow predicted despite no precursor love!!!) for her incredibly funny work in Savages but Blanchett's double-dip for Queen Elizabeth surely cost Angelina Jolie a nomination for A Mighty Heart (2007). She had snagged Globe, SAG, and Critics Choice nominations that season. As a reminder the nominees that season were



Some people wanted Amy Adams in the mix that season for Enchanted (2007) and while that would have been an inspired nomination, there's no way that Jolie wasn't in the dread sixth spot that season given that Oscar voters nearly always value dramatic biographical pictures more than silly comedies with inspired leading performances, however delightful they may be. Adams probably wasn't even in 7th place since Keira Knightley was also in the running for Atonement (which received a Best Picture nomination). 

Remember Cate Blanchett's displeasure at her own Oscar clip that year?


Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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