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Entries in Kirsten Dunst (91)


Tweetweek: Lucas Hedges not a cinephile, Kirsten Dunst's mystique, Jamie Dornan clones 

Can we talk about Lucas Hedges saying he'd never seen a Michelle Pfeiffer pfilm while promoting French Exit (finally "out" though that definition is so strange now) in which he plays her son?

How is that even possible? Yes, he's just 24 but he's in the industry and she's made all kinds of movies in every genre from massive franchises to surprise blockbusters to indie darlings to cult favourites...

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Beauty Break: Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! We've been flashing to that indelible image of Kirsten Dunst laying in the grass in The Virgin Suicides since that movie just turned 20 (Kiki has been reminiscing on her Insta). After the jump a minigallery of stars reclining in nature...

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Horror Actressing: Kirsten Dunst in "Interview With the Vampire"

by Jason Adams

All of the best moments in Interview With the Vampire belong to the eleven-year-old. Re-watching the film now here on its 25th anniversary there's a lot to like (Tom Cruise allows himself to be camp in ways that he usually is but this time purposefully, and Neil Jordan floods everything with opulent blood-red atmosphere) and there's a lot to hate (it's a slog and Brad Pitt is awful) but there's really only one thing to love, and that thing is Kirsten Dunst every single second she's on-screen as the immortal vampire trapped in a little girl's perpetual curls.

The story goes that Dunst was the first girl that they auditioned for the role of "Claudia" but that she auditioned twice -- her agent supposedly told her she was terrible the first time through and forced her back into the room to do it all over again. "How avant-garde," indeed. Still that gambit worked, and one of our greatest actresses got her start by slashing up multiple nannies and kissing Brad Pitt on the mouth -- an experience Dunst maintains was "gross," speaking for exactly zero other people aged eleven to one hundred and eleven...

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Over & Overs: Marie Antoinette (2006) 

In this new-ish series members of Team Experience share movies they've watched way too often and why...

By Cláudio Alves 

I don’t think I was a very ‘normal’ 12-year-old. Whatever that word might mean, I doubt it encompasses nerdy pre-teens obsessed with The French Revolution. Looking back, I’m not even sure why I was so enthralled. Maybe it was the tragedy of it all, how its horrors were as undeniable as the social changes they brought upon were necessary. Maybe it was the moral ambivalence, the complexity of its historical narrative. Maybe it was just the prettiness of the fashions. 

One thing’s for sure, I was very excited by the prospect of watching Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette...

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She Had Oscar Buzz!

Yes, the title is an homage to our friends podcast "This Had Oscar Buzz". Here's a piece from new contributor Elie Chivi that we think you'll love on women who strangely haven't been nominated yet... 

by Elie Chivi

After Kirsten Dunst’s comments last month about the relative lack of awards attention she’s received throughout her career, I couldn’t help but think of the many other never-nominated yet deserving actresses of the past couple of decades. Some actresses can get Oscar nominations for doing the bare minimum (think Frances McDormand in North Country or Catherine Keener in Capote) due to a mix of bandwagoning on to a bigger lead performance or simply because of who they are. 

On the other hand, some of our finest actresses consistently do interesting, complex, or hilarious work yet always come up short on Oscar nomination morning. From the crop of post-90’s era performers, the list below highlights five of the most egregious members of the never-nominated list...

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