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"Asia" Wins the Ophir. Let's Talk Israel and Oscar...

by Nathaniel R

Alena Yiv and Shira Haas as mother and daughter in ASIA

The Ophir Awards were held today in Israel with Asia emerging as the winner so it will now represent Israel at the Oscars. Based on buzz we've heard on this mother/daughter drama, which caused a stir at the Tribeca Film Festival earlier this year we've added it to the actual Oscar predictions and our letterboxd list tracking the contenders. Asia is a mother/daughter drama starring Alena Yiv as the mother and the brilliant Shira Haas (Unorthodox) as the daughter (they both won Ophir Awards for this) so we will see it the first chance we get. You can see a full list of the nominees and winners at this freshly updated post.

But let's talk about Israel at the Oscars. They hold the distinction of being (by far) the most nominated country that's never won. They used to be in a tight race for that frustrating honor but in the past seven years Poland won with Ida and then Mexico with Roma so now the title is theirs alone. Their nearest rival is a distant one (Belgium has 7 nominations). More on Israeli classics and Oscar stats after the jump...

Submitting since 1964
52 Total Submissions 
10 Nominations (and 1 Additional Finalist)
0 Wins 

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"Sun Children" and Iran's Oscar History

by Nathaniel R

Iran is sending their favourite filmmaking son to the Oscars again. Sixty-one year old prolific filmmaker Majid Majidi brought Iran the first of their three Oscar nominations with his fifth film Children of Heaven (1998); they've submitted him almost every time he's made a feature since. This year his latest film Sun Children, which you'll recall won the Marcello Mastroianni Award for Best Young Actor at Venice this year, about poverty stricken chilldren trying to support their families, will compete for the coveted Best International Feature Film Oscar prize. 

After the jump key Iranian submissions over the years and Oscar trivia...

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Chi Film Fest: Palestine's Oscar submission "Gaza Mon Amour"

by Nick Taylor

I felt much warmer towards Gaza Mon Amour at its conclusion than when it began. The gradual expansion of its story and stabilization of its aesthetic strategies are what got me on its side. At its core, Gaza Mon Amour is buoyed by the mutual, barely spoken ardor between fisherman Issa (Salim Daw) and dressmaker Siham (Hiam Abbass), but the script gives near-equal attention to their work lives and the friends and family members that populate their lives. It’s an admirable scope, though one might wonder when Tarzan and Arab Nasser, the twin sibling writer/director duo behind Palestine’s International Film submission, are going to move their story forward. It’s not clear for the first half hour whether the film will find itself or collapse entirely...

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Shira Haas up for another Ophir Award!

by Nathaniel R

Alena Yiv and Shira Haas as mother and daughter in ASIA

Our current actress obsession Shira Haas may have lost the Emmy she deserved to win a week ago for Unorthodox but she has another shot at an acting trophy this year. The 25 year-old actress is once again up for the highest film honor in her home country, the Ophir Award. She's nominated for Best Supporting Actress for a mother/daughter Israeli drama called Asia. The drama won three prizes early this year as NY's Tribeca Film Festival, including Best Actress for Shira (though she's nominated for Supporting at home). This is Haas' fifth Ophir nod, two of which have been for lead actress and three for supporting. She won this same category just two years ago for a film called Pere Atzil.

Due to the COVID pandemic there's no date for the Ophir ceremony yet (which is usually held right about now). As you may recall, the annual winner for their Feature Film category automatically becomes Israel's Oscar submission (unless there's some reason it can't be the submission). UPDATE:  You can see all the nominees and some of the winners (details are hard to come by so far) after the jump. IMDb doesn't even have all of them and most articles only list the "top" categories. But we're always trying to keep you informed...

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A few notes on the Cannes "lineup" that won't make it to Cannes

by Nathaniel R

Steve McQueen would have had TWO films at Cannes this yearCannes won’t be held this year due to the Coronavirus pandemic but the powers that be at Cannes have announced that 56 films that would have filled out various programs will bear the Cannes label as in "we selected them!". i.e. they would have played there. This will give the films a leg up moving forward should any of the fall festivals actually take place. This does not however tell us anything about what would have “competed” this year at Cannes since they generally only have 20 or so films in the main competition. Spike Lee was meant to preside over the competition jury this year but instead he'll do the honors next summer instead.

It will forever be lost to an alternate history what might have been this year and what film might have held the difficult task of following in Parasite’s footsteps to the Palme d’Or...

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