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Entries in Planet of the Apes (47)


The Lord of the Apes: The Fellowship of the Ape

Blu Ray CollectionI missed the final critics screening of Rise of the Planet of the Apes due to my Michigan trip, but some critics and pundits have gone quite wild for it. And once again Andy Serkis, aka Gollum aka King Kong aka Pioneer King of Motion Capture Performing, is getting "give him gold" attention.

Meanwhile, in an effort to make me feel even worse about missing the new flick before it hits theaters tomorrow, guess what arrived while I was in Michigan? The Planet of the Apes 40th Anniversary Blu-Ray Box Set. Maybe apes aren't very good at math because the first movie was from 1968 which is 43 years ago but whatever.

It looks SENSATIONAL. I love the packaging and it's even got a gatefold timeline detailing the whole sci-fi tale. I have no idea when I'll find time to watch them all (I've only ever seen the first one which I love but mostly for camp reasons... actual NSFW *LOL* shot ) but I'll try.

So with apes on the brain, I asked Team Film Experience the following question and I want to know your answers too.


KURT: Sadly, Mark Wahlberg.

CRAIG: Since The Simpsons' parody, I always think of Stop the Planet of the Apes, I want to Get Off!

MICHAEL C: In college I engaged in an ill-advised marathon of Apes VHS tapes, memories of which are blurry, but one scene from the surprisingly un-terrible, Escape from the Planet of the Apes stands out. After Cornelius and Zira have time traveled back to present-day Earth and become celebrities (of course) they bizarrely engage in one of those out-on-the-town, trying on lots of different outfits montages. I have never rewatched the movie so this is one of those movie memories I am never 100% sure I didn't hallucinate. Maybe somebody can help me out with this?

ROBERT: Usually I think Charlton Heston shouting "You damn dirty apes!" However currently I can't help but think of the commercials for the new film which make me laugh every time. Those apes just look so angry.

JOSE: Charlton Heston in a loincloth *drools*, wait, eww.

NICK: A Bachmann/Pawlenty 2012 ticket.

Your Turn. Go! What do you think of the second you hear "Planet of the Apes"?


"Yes, No, Maybe So" Triple: Apes, Immortals, Wizards

Yes No Maybe So is a series in which we divvy movie trailers up into three categories so as to manage our expectations and combat Huzz (Hype + Buzz). Huzz isn't a real word but it should be and we'll keep using it until it is. The point of the series is this: We will not be slaves to the Masters of Marketing! Except, of course, by giving them the usual free publicity that they have craftily convinced all citizens of the online world to regular deliver unto them.

The problem, we've noticed with trailers, is that they all tend to arrive at once and how does one keep up unless one merely just posts the trailer which is basically like posting a free advertisement and pretending that advertising IS content which so many websites do is just yuck. That's not a yes, no or maybe so equation. That's just a full on No, yo.  

ANYWAY... today we're doing a short form genre threesome: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2, Rise of the Apes and The Immortals in an effort to catch up. If you haven't seen the trailers they're all after the jump, along with listy yes, no, maybe so bullet points. You know you wanna keep reading so do it.

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