James and Anne Vs. The World
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 at 6:08PM
NATHANIEL R in Anne Hathaway, James Franco, Oscars (10), Scott Pilgrim

 A little ditty 'bout James and Aaaa-aanne... two American kids growing up in the heartland... ♫


Since the Oscar race is all over but the gowns and speeches and the checking of ballot boxes --once the Weinstein Co have finished reediting their film shouldn't they just retitle it The King's Sweep ? --  what should we focus on in regards to Oscar? How about the hosts? I polled The Film Experience team to see what they most want to see from James Franco and Anne Hathaway on Oscar night and here's what they said.



I'd love to see Anne and James reenact a scene from Bride Wars.  We all know he can do drag.


What I'd really like to see them do is reenact scenes from their own films, namely "The Devil Wears Prada," with Franco as Meryl Streep: "Everyone wants to be us!"

Two votes for James Franco in drag, heh? Whaddya think readers?




They reenact scenes from each other's 2010 movies: Anne saws off her own arm on the stage in spectacular Grand Guignol fashion, spraying blood down onto Jack Nicholson and other folks in the front row; a large bed is wheeled into the middle of the stage where James Franco and Jake Gyllenhaal will reenact the most memorable moments from Love and Other Drugs.


Duke it out as Catwoman vs Goblin

I will co-sign all of these things. Except for maybe Anne sawing her own arm off. I'd prefer she keep all her pretty parts attached. And YES to Catwoman.


A series of pre-prepped comic sketches - live on stage with a lot of costume changes. Bring back the horrible/marvelous days of Rob Lowe and Snow White!

Finally, Jose and Michael step off of preexisting James & Anne movies. They do a little sidestep.


I'd love for Anne Hathaway to use the entire ceremony as a big audition for her future Oscar
winning role as Judy Garland and have her do a whole "Born in a Trunk" kinda number. "Mrs. Norman Maine" siiiigh.


I'd like to see James and Anne fight Oscar's seven evil ex-hosts for the privilege of hosting together

Yes. Musical numbers for Anne.

All praise the unexpected Scott Pilgrim vs. The World reference. Pilgrim for the win. It's too bad that skit/joke would fly over the heads of AMPAS because how undefeatable would that extended show narrative be.


It would mean cameo battles with the following people, the last Seven Evil Ex-Hosts:

Our new favorite fantasy (thanks Michael) doesn't count Steve Martin both solo and paired, mostly so we can squeeze in Whoopi Goldberg. If any of those seven evil exes can't show you have to reach back to David Letterman who is next in line. Billy Crystal hogged the duties for so many years that you have to go back nearly a quarter century to get to Chevy Chase.

Your turn!
Oscar night is just three weeks away. What are you hoping to see?


Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
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