Yes, No, Maybe So: "...Dragon Tattoo"
Friday, September 23, 2011 at 8:46AM
NATHANIEL R in Best Actress, David Fincher, Oscars (11), Rooney Mara, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Yes No Maybe So

I've waffled on whether or not to give the trailer to David Fincher's adaptation of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo the yes, no, maybe so treatment. The teaser was an explosive example of what film advertising can be when it escapes its rigid little box. That rush of images and punk spirit promising the 'Feel. Bad. Movie. Of. Christmas.' just Felt.Good. in an A+ way. But did you ever see it in a theater? I did a couple of times and felt nothing from the audience (you know how you can sometimes absorb the collective excitement levels when a teaser/trailer is playing or at least the second it ends?) so maybe Moviegoers and Hollywood need the rigid little box of 2 and ½ minute plot and character intros as security blanket and insurance policy respectively. 

So now they give us the normal kind of trailer introducing us to the plot and characters that 75 million are intimately familiar with already. Meet anti-social, abused, violent, brilliant Lisbeth Salander, now played by Rooney Mara with sick earrings, mad multiple hairstylings and a wondrous lack of comforting eyebrows.

the breakdown plus the new trailer after the jump.

So here we go...


Sometimes he pleasures her. Not enough in my opinion."


I shouldn't keep beating that drum but it was so seismic.



The Trailer in Question

Where do you fall with this one now that you've seen more footage? Do you see any Oscar play ahead?




Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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