What did you see this weekend?
Sunday, December 6, 2015 at 12:15PM
NATHANIEL R in Krampus, Toni Collette, box office

With only Krampus as a new wide release this weekend was a repeat of Thanksgiving weekend with The Hunger Games, The Good Dinosaur and Creed leading the way at the multiplex and Oscar hopefuls like Carol doing good business on a miniscule amount of screens. Spotlight and Brooklyn -- which are both looking lockish for Best Picture nominations -- continue to reap the benefits of great word-of-mouth audience response.

"Um, why am I in Krampus?" -Toni Collette to her agent, probably.

(Dec 4th-6th)
01 Hunger Games 4 $18.6 (cum. $227)  Hunger Games & Oscar
02 Krampus $16 *new* 
03 Creed $15.5 (cum. $65.1) Review & Oscar Possibilities
04 Good Dinosaur $15.5 (cum $75.9) Review
05 Spectre  $5.4 (cum. $184.5)  Review
06 The Night Before   $4.9 (cum. $31.9) 
07 The Peanuts Movie  $3.5 (cum. $121.4)
08 Spotlight $2.9 (cum. $16.6) First Impression & SAG Ensemble Predix
09 Brooklyn $2.4 (cum. $11.2) Review, Saoirse & Best Actress
10 Secret in Their Eyes $1.9 (cum. $17.2) 

With BFCA's "Critic's Choice" ballots going out tomorrow and a handful of critics organizations voting this weekend, I've been struggling to catch up / wrap up but in truth I am always quite behind at this point. And I get distracted by my pets... like seeing Carol twice this weekend. Oops. By my count there are 27 titles that I had hoped to see that I still have to squeeze in during the busiest month of the year and of course the rewatches I'd hoped to do before drawing up the top ten list. If I get to half of this by Christmas it'll have to be considered an enormous success. The Glut! The Glut!

What did you see this weekend? Are you struggling to keep up?

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
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