A huge virtual hug and bouquet of flowers going out to every reader who is a mother, every reader's mother, and all the actresses that have played mothers over the years.
A dozen favorite random delights (from hundreds of great examples) of cinematic motherhood after the jump...
Darlene Cates as "Bonnie" in WHAT'S EATING GILBERT GRAPE (1993)
Sophia Loren as "Adelina of Naples" in YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW (1963)
Sally Field as "M'Lynn" in STEEL MAGNOLIAS (1989)
Pepper Labejia from the House of Labejia in PARIS IS BURNING
Vivien Leigh as (eventually) "Scarlett O'Hara Wilkes Butler" in GONE WITH THE WIND (1939)
Sigourney Weaver as "Ripley 8" in ALIEN: RESURRECTION (1997)
Mrs Jumbo in DUMBO (1941)
Piper Laurie as "Margaret White" in CARRIE (1976)
Julianne Moore as "Amber Waves" in BOOGIE NIGHTS (1997)
Faye Dunaway as MOMMIE DEAREST (1981)
Anna Magnani as "Serafina" in THE ROSE TATTOO (1955)
Cate Blanchett as CAROL (2015)