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It's a clean sweep for "Drive My Car" at the Japan Academy Awards

by Nathaniel R

Hidetoshi Nishijima accepting BEST ACTOR for "Drive My Car" 

The 45th annual Japan Academy Awards were held last night (aka hours ago -- time differences are confusing!) in Tokyo. 濱口 竜介's Oscar-nominated Drive My Car was honored in all of its categories. The winners are after the jump... 

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Japanese Academy Awards: 'Drive My Car' up for 9 prizes

by Nathaniel R

March is promising to be a big month for Japanese Best Picture nominee Drive My Car. It just became the second release from Janus Films to make more than one million at the US box office (their biggest hit remains Italy's Oscar winning  The Great Beauty) and despite its steady box office performance, it's moving to streaming on March 2nd on HBOMax. Then, two weeks before the Oscars on March 11th, it is competing at the 45th annual Japan Academy Awards. The nominees for that ceremony are after the jump including a description of the five films up for the big prizes...

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Best Actor - Just how volatile is that fifth spot? 

by Nathaniel R

Former Oscar winners: Denzel, Nicolas (and Javier Bardem) all rising on the chart

Oscar chart update time. The SAG nominations threw a wrench into Best Actor predictions with the inclusion of the polarizing performance (or rather polarizing casting) of Javier Bardem as Desi Arnaz in Being the Ricardos. But is he really a threat to the nomination? Probably, yes, as Oscar's acting branch loves almost nothing more than celebrities playing other celebrities. Not all biopics are about celebrities or star bonafide celebrities so this is a special awards-magnetized division of the overall 'genre' if you will. We think he might be nominated -- especially if Nicole Kidman becomes the clear favourite in Best Actress -- but he's hardly locked up. Especially because it seems extra foolish to assume his nomination chances are as sturdy as the other four SAG nominees (Will Smith, Andrew Garfield, Benedict Cumberbatch, Denzel Washington) who have all scored at all three important precursors (which Bardem has not). 

Our conclusion. The fifth spot is a true free-for-all...

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2nd Annual "Gold List" Honoring Asian Achievements in Film

by Nathaniel R


Hello, awards fans. While we have often bemoaned the ever-increasing amounts of groups giving out "best" honors here at TFE, we do love to share and champion groups that have very specific focuses since the conversation could always do with broadening rather than the narrowing that more traditional awards do. So we're pleased to share the second annual "Gold List" a joint venture between Gold House and CAPE (Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment) recognizing outstanding work by Asian filmmakers and actors. Shang-Chi and Drive My Car both took multiple prizes this year while The Green Knight played bridesmaid with multiple honorable mentions. The full list of winners and honorable mentions is after the jump... 

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NYFF: "Drive My Car"

by Jason Adams

I've never owned a car or enjoyed driving one, and the supposed romantic allure of that particular activity has always eluded me. I know some people find it a meditative state, a vacuum-sealed trance of sorts where you're both static and in motion at once, simply floating down the road, but it's an experience that's always sent me personally hurtling into a panic. Yusuke Kafuku (Hidetoshi Nishijima), the leading man of writer-director Ryusuke Hamaguchi’s new film Drive My Car screening at NYFF this weekend, would find my aversion nutty, and it's his love of long drives that ultimately forms the heart and deepest bond of this turns-out-to-be lovely and moving (in a multitude of ways) movie. It almost convinced me there's something to that whole driving thing! Almost.

Adapted from a short story from famed author Haruki Murakami Drive My Car is by no means a small road trip -- one minute shy of three hours Hamaguchi takes his time getting where he's taking us. And thankfully  the destination's worth the time...

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