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The Film Experience™ was created by Nathaniel R. All material herein is written by our team. (This site is not for profit but for an expression of love for cinema & adjacent artforms.)

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Entries in Younger (7)


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8 quick stories for you this morning

Towleroad Yes, it's true Golden Girls action figures are coming!
The Guardian Janeane Garofalo and Ethan Hawke share memories of Reality Bites (1994)
The Brag I like this piece on BPM, Queer as Folk and politics on dance floors
Playbill after four seasons Sutton Foster finally sings on Younger. On tonight's episode she's doing The Sound of Music's "Lonely Goatherd"
The Wrap Frances Conroy and Robert DeNiro are joining Joaquin Phoenix in that ill-advised Joker origin story movie
Filmmaker Magazine talks to Steven Soderbergh about his amazing debut sex lies and videotape (1989)
Awards Daily a tribute to Donald Sutherland, one of the greatest actors of Hollywood 

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The Go-Gos appeared on CBS Sunday Morning to discuss their career for the launch of the Broadway musical "Head Over Heels". ♥️ this band so much. 


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Click to enlarge• Vanity Fair Everything thats known about Jordan Peele's Get Out follow up Us and a nifty teaser poster for it to your left! Like Get Out it's going for a first quarter of the year release. Yes! We love it when films don't feel the need to open in October, November or December. 
Viacom on Younger's successful social media strategy
Coming Soon That didn't take long -- Focus Features has asquired Asghar Farhadi's Everybody Knows for distribution after its Cannes bow
Variety Empire star Jussie Smollet wants to be 'the black male Barbra Streisand,' adds directing to his repertoire of talents
MNPP Justin Theroux ten times
Deadline Nominations for the Golden Trailer Awards honoring the best in film marketing and promotion are out
IndieWire Terry Gilliam will be debuting his 20 years in the making The Man Who Killed Don Quixote at Cannes
MNPP fav movies of 1970 (since it's our year of the month, I was searching and now i'm linkin' up)
Boy Culture Madonna at the Met Gala - she performed!
THR will the Academy's wave of expulsions prompt more of the same. Some are happy, others claim "moral policing"
/Film Well, that negotiation took a long time. We've known that Quentin Tarantino wanted Margot Robbie to play the actress Sharon Tate (Roman Polanski's late wife, murdered by the Manson family) in his next film for an entire month. She's finally signed on.


28 Links Later

Went a little overboard today but we were behind on news plus the Emmys happened!

The Daily Harry Dean Stanton (RIP) --sorry we didn't cover this (!) but it happened in the midst of TIFF international flights and such
My New Plaid Pants good Orlando Bloom-ing morning to ya
My New Plaid Pants dueling Call Me By Your Name magazine covers
Junkee please don't call Call Me By Your Name "universal"
Women and Hollywood distribution deal for Emma Thompson in The Children Act marked for 2018

Lots more after the jump including mother! takes, Emmy aftermath, I Tonya, and the Younger season finale...

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Share Your Emmy (Comedy) Ballots 

If you follow me on Twitter you may have already seen these but I've shared all my ballots for TV acting as it's the only thing I have energy for today. Tough week for the world so honoring comedy seems emotionally right, laughter being the best medicine. Otherwise today is a mental health day break from blogging.

Younger (S2) my fantasy for a Best Comedy Series nomination. I'm aware it won't happen

Trust me when I tell you that I had to leave out a ton of people I love.  But unlike Emmy I move on if a performance doesn't continue evolving (even if I still love it just as much) and I also move on if, in my personal fantasy ballots each year, I feel like I've amply awarded that actor for that character already. Even if they continue to excel. Rare is the case when I would nominate the same actor over and over again from a strong ensemble show as most performances as well as most shows have peaks and valleys when it comes to various characters.

My ballots are after the jump... Share yours in the comments!

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TV MVP of the Week: Younger, The Magicians, Grandfathered... 

I keep trying to get Team Experience to tell you what they're watching but they're weirdly shy about the small screen. But with the lines continually more blurred between screens we're trying to give television more room here. Nevertheless most of us do watch TV when we can squeeze it in between movies. 

Here's a few of our favorite things from the past week's viewing...

Patricia Field & Jacqueline Demetrio, Costume Design of Younger
Not since the glory days of Sex and the City has a show relied so beautifully on costumes (OK maybe Gossip Girl is up there, too) but in Younger they serve a purpose beyond aesthetics. Take for example the warrior-like costumes Miriam Shor's character wears, glittery armors, oversized jewelry and in one case a McQueen scarf that seemed to have the skulls of all her victims. That the very scarf was used by another character to reveal her weaknesses was pure brilliance.
-Jose Solis 

Gillian Anderson in The X-Files
We may quibble with the overall quality of this protracted sequel season of The X-Files but we should never complain about having more Gillian Anderson in our lives. [More...]

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