I know a few of you had had problems with commenting but the problem should be resolved now. So please sound off. What's on your cinematic mind? Do I dare see Cabin in the Woods this weekend? You know how squeamish I am about horror.
P.S. If you've ever seen one of Travis Mathews short films (worth seeking out) you'll want to read Craig's interview -- how do you feel about explicit scenes in real films? sound off on that post. And if you've ever seen Snow White (duh, you have!) we've totally been talking about her so join in. Let's make her ears as red as her lips. If you don't comment on animated films how will I know you want more posts about them?
P.P.S. April Showers is returning soon after this week's hiccup.
P.P.P.S. Titanic Centennial and finalized Oscar Predictions this weekend (who am I forgetting in Best Actress?). Stick around.