Monty the Cat Pundit Smells a Jennifer Aniston Surprise!
Friday, December 5, 2014 at 10:00PM
NATHANIEL R in Best Actress, Cake, Into the Woods, Jennifer Aniston, Oscars (14), Punditry, cats, musicals, yummy

Monty is getting on in years and has all but retired from Oscar punditry. When I show him my swag in the hopes that he'll reveal some innate feline wisdom about awards season these days he looks away with disdain, grumpier than ever. He's even ignored all the boxes which must be like an alcoholic strolling past an open bar without stopping.

But FINALLY engagement. This week he lept with glee into a box containing various Into the Woods substances (I wasn't quick enough with the camera but he obviously approves. Does this mean that Into the Woods can muscle into the Best Picture race after all (it's kind of a toss-up right?) or is it just a reminder that Monty has a thing for musicals? His first Oscar call ever was Best Original Song for Björk in Dancer in the Dark (2000) when he was just a 2 year-old. He would race to the CD player (remember those?) whenever it came on and plant himself there.

And tonight, the most curiousity yet this season as he began circling one of three new packages He would barely let me touch it. What's it for?

Oh oh Cinelou films, okay. Does this mean that Jennifer Aniston will be a surprise Best Actress nominee?

Or is this just another reminder that cats really love their dairy. Frosting forever!

You decide in the comments. 



Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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