Yes, No, Maybe So: "The Master"
Saturday, July 21, 2012 at 4:02PM
NATHANIEL R in Amy Adams, Joaquin Phoenix, Oscars (12), P.T. Anderson, PSH, The Master, There Will Be Blood, Yes No Maybe So, booze, religiosity

Hot on the heels of this beautiful new teaser poster for The Master, movie poster as chilled wine, we get the full trailer! P.T. Anderson's long awaited big screen return teaser post recalls the also evocative and text-focused teaser poster for There Will Be Blood which will be a very tough act to follow.

Even the Academy, which had resisted his sometimes challenging, defiantly eccentric and untraditional melding of epic treatment to non-traditionally-epic subject matter got into There Will Be Blood. But if anyone can live up to that film, wouldn't it be P.T.? He's never made anything less than a good movie and quite often he manages instant classics: Hard Eight, Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love, and There Will Be Blood. (Good luck finding anyone else with a filmography that consistently fine!)

Trailer and Yes No Maybe So breakdown follow...





Amy Adams... can she give Hathaway a run for the Supporting Actress prize? I also hate it when gorgeous actresses have to frump it up onscreen but what can you do? She's playing a fundamentalist.

This is the exact look I have on my face when I watch Joaquin Phoenix act! He's a dangerous screen presence. You feel like anything might happen.



After this short glimpse of P.T. Anderson's The Master how YES NO MAYBE SO are you?

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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