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Emmy Nominations 2011: Friday Night Lights (FINALLY) and More...

We'll start with the biggies: Drama, Comedy and Lead Actresses. Yes, that is the Big Four -- well, to the Film Experience it is!

Best Drama Series
Boardwalk Empire
Friday Night Lights *my vote because it's the last season and because I'm so mad at Mad Men for not returning this summer.*
Game of Thrones
The Good Wife
Mad Men

Aside from the way-better-late-than-never inclusion of Friday Night Lights, finally elevated to "Best" status in its fifth and final season, despite always having been better than the other nominees, save Mad Men, the newbie is HBO's Game of Thrones. We've discussed it a few times (in short: I'm less impressed than most though it has its moments). But still can we get crazy drunk and jubilant for Friday Night Lights?

Who will win? Can Mad Men do it again or will The Good Wife which is obviously beloved by the acting community take its first "best series" win?

Best Comedy Series

30 Rock
The Big Bang Theory
Modern Family
The Office
Parks and Recreation *my vote*

Bummed that Nurse Jackie or Raising Hope aren't cited. Hasn't The Office outstayed its welcome and doesn't The Big Bang Theory have a laughtrack? Ugh. This category could have been so beautifully modern? If it doesn't I apologize. But what a relief that Two and Half Men isn't stinking up the category anymore. Who will win? My guess is that the consistently hilarious Modern Family continues its reign though if we're voting for Most Improved, Parks and Recreation takes all; what a season.

Comedy Lead Actress
Edie Falco, Nurse Jackie
Tina Fey, 30 Rock
Laura Linney, The Big C
Melissa McCarthy, Mike and Molly
Martha Plimpton, Raising Hope
Amy Poehler, Parks and Recreation *my vote*

Was The United States of Tara not eligible? Nomination I'm happiest about: Martha Plimpton in Raising Hope. I've been a fan of Martha Plimpton since the mid 80s and am so happy to see her having such a great decade lately what with the Broadway stardom and now the TV hilarity. Plus her twitter feed is love.

Who will win? I love Tina Fey as much as the rest of the world except that she does not deserve to keep winning acting prizes. Let's spread the wealth Emmy.

Drama Lead Actress
Kathy Bates, Harry's Law
Connie Britton, Friday Night Lights *my vote*
Mirielle Enos, The Killing
Mariska Hargitay, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit
Julianne Marguiles, The Good Wife
Elisabeth Moss, Mad Men

Apologies to our Annie Wilkes but what, pray tell,  is the often great Kathy Bates doing here? I have literally never been more bored by her than on this very show as if she was heavily medicated or too sleepy to act. I tried twice though it didn't help that the show was plain old stale, like a series we might have seen 12 years ago but not now with the impressive elevation of TV drama over the past decade. Hooray for Britton who really ought to win this for five unimproveably naturalistic years on FNL. I'm trying to make peace with the fact that next time someone casts her in something it's bound to be a character-less procedural but I'm having a hard time. I will miss Tammy Taylor way too much. Who will win? It's obviously Marguiles, right?

But wait there's more...


Comedy Lead Actor
Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock *my vote*
Louis CK, Louis
Steve Carrel, The Office
Johnny Galecki, The Big Bang Theory
Matt LeBlanc, Episodes
Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory

Seems strange that Matt LeBlanc is back at the Emmys but Courtney Cox isn't, right? P.S. I love Louis CK. My vote goes to Baldwin though it's true that he has more than enough Emmys. I suspect Carell wins this year, right?

Comedy Supporting Actress
Julie Bowen, Modern Family
Jane Krakowski, 30 Rock
Jane Lynch, Glee
Sofia Vergara, Modern Family *my vote*
Kristen Wiig, Saturday Night Live
Betty White, Hot in Cleveland

This wasn't the best season for Krakowsi on 30 Rock but she'd have already won my personal Emmy long ago (and more than once) so I'd have to side with either of the Modern Family women who are both beautiful and hilarious and well worth watching each week. Fail: Jane Lynch getting this nomination over Brittany (Heather Morris) or Santana (Naya Rivera) on Glee -- they've long since surpassed the Coach Sylvester schtick which was definitely funny the first year and is now less so. What's more they bring both the comedy and the drama in beautiful synchronicity.

Comedy Supporting Actor
Chris Colfer, Glee
Jon Cryer, Two and Half Men
Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Modern Family
Ed O'Neill, Modern Family
Eric Stonestreet, Modern Family
Ty Burrell, Modern Family *my vote*

Ugh. Even when they jettison Two and Half Men from comedy, Jon Cryer STILL messes up this category. Think how beautiful this would have been with Neil Patrick Harris instead. (weirdly snubbed) It would have been SIX tales of awesomeness, a 100% worthy lineup.


Drama Lead Actor
Steve Buscemi, Boardwalk Empire
Kyle Chandler, Friday Night Lights
Michael C Hall, Dexter
Jon Hamm, Mad Men *my vote*
Hugh Laurie, House
Timothy Olyphant, Justified

Drama Supporting Actress
Christine Baranski, The Good Wife
Michelle Forbes, The Killing
Christina Hendricks, Mad Men *my vote*
Kelly Macdonald, Boardwalk Empire
Margo Martindale, Justified
Archie Panjabi, The Good Wife

I really should abstain rather than voting here. This is the category where I've seen the least of the nominees. I love Macdonald but the few times I've tried to watch Boardwalk Empire I've been bored. Have yet to see any episode of Justified. HATED the ads but apparently people love it.

Drama Supporting Actor
Andre Braugher, Men of a Certain Age
Josh Charles, The Good Wife
Alan Cumming, The Good Wife
Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones *my vote*
Walton Goggins, Justified
John Slattery, Mad Men

I'm only throwing this to Dinklage because in my world Slattery has already won for this role, twice at least. He's brilliant as Roger Sterling. Sometimes I actually think he's the secret MVP of the entire series.


Best Miniseries or Movie
Cinema Verite
Downton Abbey *my vote*
The Kennedys
Mildred Pierce
Pillars of the Earth
Too Big To Fail

This is the most I've seen from this category since the 1980s -- more than half of it! There was much to admire in Mildred Pierce but for pure television addiction I have to admit that I'm all for Downton Abbey's endearing bitchery.

Miniseries/Movie Lead Actress
Taraji P Henson, Taken From Me: The Tiffany Rubin Story
Diane Lane, Cinema Verite
Jean Marsh, Upstairs Downstairs
Elizabeth McGovern, Downton Abbey
Kate Winslet, Mildred Pierce *my vote*

I can't imagine that Winslet will lose this. Lane was good but with lesser material and McGovern is sidelined so often in Downton Abbey I'm a bit surprised to see her in the "lead" category.

Miniseries/Movie Lead Actor
Idris Elba, Luther
Laurence Fishburne, Thurgood
William Hurt, Too Big To Fail
Greg Kinnear, The Kennedys
Barry Pepper, The Kennedys
Edgar Ramirez, Carlos

This is why I don't write about TV so much. Have seen any of these.

Miniseries/Movie Supporting Actress
Eileen Atkins, Upstairs Downstairs
Melissa Leo, Mildred Pierce
Maggie Smith, Downton Abbey
Mare Winningham, Mildred Pierce *my vote*
Evan Rachel Wood, Mildred Pierce

My preference for Winningham here might seem odd as it's the least substantial role in the running but she nailed the time period, she was unfussy about her characters earthy can-do and I looked forward to seeing her each episode. But if feeling sentimental, I'd cast for Maggie Smith. Maggie Smith is Maggie Smith is Maggie Smith is Maggie Smith and no one does artistocratic haughty better.

Miniseries/Movie Supporting Actor
Paul Giamatti, Too Big To Fail
Brian F. O'Byrne, Mildred Pierce *my vote*
Guy Pearce, Mildred Pierce
Tom Wilkinson, The Kennedys
James Woods, Too Big To Fail

O'Byrne was very moving in Mildred Pierce in what at first seemed like a disposable role. Well done. All of these actors are like awards regulars, though. Who do you think will win?

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Reader Comments (64)

Oh, two more things...

- I disagree with whoever said Wiig's nom came from her Bridesmaid success...she was nominated last year and there was no hit movie for her then. I honestly think she should win, and maybe THAT'S what Bridesmaids will help her with.

- I know Cloris Leachman is funny as hell on Raising Hope, but I reallyyyy hope Gwyneth wins for Glee! She was SO good!

- If Kathy Bates wins this freaking emmy that she shouldn't even be nominated for...dnje8i3ne3ekm. Actress in a drama series should be between Connie Britton and Julianne Marguiles.

July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

I'm pretty happy cuz I love both Mad Men (go Hamm!) and Modern Family. Nate, you should start reviewing more TV shows, the quality is so much better than what's on the big screen these days.

July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEdward

If Kathy Bates wins this freaking emmy that she shouldn't even be nominated for...dnje8i3ne3ekm

WTF...@ the Bates Bashing

July 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfu11

I'd pick The Good Wife, Parks and Recreation, Amy Poehler & Julianne Marguiles,
Matt LeBlanc, Jane Krakowski, Ty Burrell, Jon Hamm, Archie Panjabi & Josh Charles. It's pretty obvious I'm a The Good Wife freak, huh? I haven't seen any of the miniseries.

July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMary

I totally agree about Mare Winningham. She totally made Mildred Pierce worth watching.

July 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbrandz

yeah, winslet will get it ... the nominees are really slim pickings!!! one of her least prestigious performances .. really surprised by all the noms for it.

July 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrick

My 7 word review of the Emmy nominations:
Mariska Hargitay over Anna Torv? Again? Really?

July 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFrancie

Yeah, the Hargitay nod is a complete joke, especially considering how ridiculously AWFUL the show is now -- and this is coming from a former "L&O" junkie. Dick Wolf should cut his losses and end the series with departures of his two leads, but we all know he won't.

What does "Community" have to do to get some freaking respect from the Academy? Aside from "Modern Family," it is the only comedy the regularly makes me LOL -- not smile or chuckle, but LOL. And talk about an ensemble cast the just clicks...

I don't care how many people champion it (including my best friend in the entire world), I just cannot get into "The Good Wife" because at the end of the day, no matter how exceptional it is, it is still another CBS PROCEDURAL. And I refuse to do any CBS PROCEDURALS. Here's a show that I was heavily anticipating upon its debut because of this wonderful concept only to have my excitement deflated by this case-of-the-week format (at least in the episodes I've seen).

Alfred Woodard's default nomination for "True Blood" doesn't surprise me one bit. They cited her in the supporting actress category for that lame season two arc on "Desperate Housewives" a few years ago. With three wins in over a dozen nominations she's clearly a favorite of theirs.

July 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTroy H


Big Bang Theory and The Office out, Eastbound & Down and either Louis or It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia in the other slot. Galecki and LeBlanc (Episodes sounds like total actorial indulgence and not like the "there's no way they're like this in real life" humour of Carl Weathers on Arrested Development or anyone on Extras) are cut in lead for Charlie Day and Danny McBride. Cryer is cut to make room for DeVito.


Boardwalk Empire out, Treme in. Boardwalk had a BORING first episode (Blockbuster giveaway). Treme was interesting from the first frame dealing with a modern social issue (New Orleans in aftermath of Katrina). A couple supporting performance nominations as well. Josh Charles out of supporting actor for Steve Zahn's astoundingly energetic comic relief (if the Emmy's performance categories were divided by impart of performance (Comedic Supporting Performance and Dramatic Supporting Performance) as opposed to genre of show, I'd be driven absolutely mad by him not getting in for Comedic Performance) and Kelly McDonald out of supporting actress for Melissa Leo.

July 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

Sad about the Naya Rivera and Cougar Town snub, but I'm happy with the rest!
And the great thing is, almost all of the nominees deserve to win. If Modern Family, Mad Men and The Good Wife take home some Emmy's I'll be as happy as can be. And yay for Kate! Recently saw Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind again and was reminded why I love her.

July 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNina

Alfred Woodard's default nomination for "True Blood" doesn't surprise me one bit. They cited her in the supporting actress category for that lame season two arc on "Desperate Housewives" a few years ago. With three wins in over a dozen nominations she's clearly a favorite of theirs.

She has 4 Emmys and over 15 nominations.

July 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfu11

If I had my way...

30 Rock
The Big Bang Theory
Modern Family
The Office
Parks & Recreation

Boardwalk Empre
Friday Night Lights
Mad Men
Sons of Anarchy
The Walking Dead

Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock
Steve Carell, The Office
Louis C.K., Louis
Matt Leblanc, Episodes
Joel McHale, Community
Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory

Courtney Cox, Cougar Town
Edie Falco, Nurse Jackie
Tina Fey, 30 Rock
Melissa McCarthy, Mike & Molly
Martha Plimpton, Raising Hope
Amy Poehler, Parks & Recreation

Steve Buscemi, Boardwalk Empire
Kyle Chandler, Friday Night Lights
Michael C. Hall, Dexter
Jon Hamm, Mad Men
William H. Macy, Shameless
Timothy Olyphant, Justified

Connie Britton, Friday Night Lights
Julianna Margulies, The Good Wife
Elisabeth Moss, Mad Men
Anna Paquin, True Blood
Katey Segal, Sons of Anarchy
Anna Torv, Fringe

Ty Burrell, Modern Family
Neil Patrick Harris, How I Met Your Mother
Ed Helms, The Office
Nick Offerman, Parks & Recreation
Ed O'Neill, Modern Family
Eric Stonestreet, Modern Family

Julie Bowen, Modern Family
Jenna Fischer, The Office
Jane Lynch, Glee
Busy Phillips, Cougar Town
Aubrey Plaza, Parks & Recreation
Sofia Vergara, Modern Family

Alan Cumming, The Good Wife
Walton Goggins, Justified
Michael P. Jordan, Friday Night Lights
John Noble, Fringe
Michael Shannon, Boardwalk Empire
John Slattery, Mad Men

Christine Baranski, The Good Wife
Christina Hendricks, Mad Men
Margo Martindale, Justified
Archie Punjabi, The Good Wife
Emmy Rossum, Shameless
Chloe Sevigny, Big Love

July 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAwesome Personified

"Who will win? I love Tina Fey as much as the rest of the world except that she does not deserve to keep winning acting prizes. Let's spread the wealth Emmy."

Tina Fey has only won once for Actress. There has been a "curse" on the category where a different Actress won each year since 2001

July 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterA.J

AJ -- well i mean more in the general sense of over rewarded. The series is pretty brilliant and she has deserved her nominations and the like but 1 Emmy, 2 Golden Globes and 4 SAG Awards for that performance is more than enough. Especially since she's not as good of an actress as many of her competitors (even though she's more brilliant overall if that makes any sense)

July 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNathaniel R
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